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How to Protect Your Legal Business from a Data Breach? Thingsyoushouldknow ! Legal Support World.

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1 How to Protect Your Legal Business from a Data Breach? Thingsyoushouldknow ! Legal Support World


3 I N T R O D U C T IO NI N T R O D U C T IO N Today, law firms found themselves more vulnerable to computer hackers trying to steal sensitive information of clients. As hackers are becoming sophisticated in their abilities and successfully deploying such unethical activities - firms must take strides to safeguard their law firm and client ’ s data. Legal Support World

4 According to researchers, around 80 % of large law firms have suffered from some kind of data breach. So, how you can minimize the risk of a data breach from your law firm ? 80 % Law Firms

5 Take these seven proven strategies into consideration to mitigate data breach risks in your law firm

6 E mails cams caneas ilybe s potted, when youread them. T ech - friendlylawyers canrecognizes uch phis hingemails, whereemails appear liketheyares entby anycompanyforan officialpurpos ebut actuallycontains malware. Warnemployees nottoclickon email attachments or links if it is from unknown s ender. B U I L DA W A R E N E S S A B O U TE M A I L S

7 You can encrypt files on your PC, mobile or tablet this method can be easily implemented and is absolutely free of cost. E N C R Y P TY O U RS E N S IT IV ED A T A Never transmit valuable data that is not encrypted.

8 T R A I NY O U RE M PL O Y E E S T OF O L L O W S E C U R I T Y P R O C E D U R E S Legal Support World Your data security entirely relies upon employees understanding your security standards and procedures. So, clearly explain user access rules, password requirements, and other security measures.

9 Use two - step authentication for your online accounts if possible. Otherwise, use a password manager to protect your passwords. Always keep a backup of data to protect your law business from malicious attack, data breach and reputational damage.damage. S E T U PT W O -S T E P A U T H E N T I C A T I O N B A C K U PY O U R D A T A

10 Legal Support World K E E PAS T R O N GP A S S W O R D You should always keep a password that is not found in the dictionary, unique, is quite long, and consist of letters, symbols, and numbers.

11 L E G A LPR O C E S S O U T S O U R C IN G Your confidentiality is maintained Data is saved in encrypted form Data is backed up on a regular basis They use a secure data server You can outsource your projects to a reliable legal support services providers as they don ’ t have to do anything with your client ’ s information. More so, LPO companies always make sure that :

12 If you are concerned about your law firm ’ s crucial data protection, following the above steps can prove to be advantageous. And if you are planning to outsource your back - office processes to a reliable partner, LEGAL SUPPORT WORLD is an ideal choice - a leading legal process outsourcing company providing law firms, law offices, and attorneys with a wide a range of legal services since 2008.

13 List of legal services provided by Legal Support World: Legal Research & Writing Contract Management Litigation Support Law Firm Management Paralegal Support Personal Injury Support

14 G E TI NT O U C HW IT HU S Addres s 12648, Agave Bay Street, Victorville, CA 92392 E mailAddres s info @ legalsupportworld. com P honeNumber + 1 646 - 688 - 2821 Webs ite www. legalsupportworld. com


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