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NON-DISCRIMINATION Human Security Dimension

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1 NON-DISCRIMINATION Human Security Dimension
Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Austria © 2006

2 “It is often easier to become outraged by
Non-Discrimination “It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.” Carl T. Rowan © 2006

3 Non-Discrimination and Human Security
Human Security has one major purpose the provision of conditions to people that enable them to exercise and expand their opportunities, choices and capabilities free of insecurity. Discrimination on the other hand obstructs all these attempts. © 2006

4 Non-Discrimination and Human Security
Discrimination obstructs people from equally exercising their rights and choices Results in economic and social insecurity Affects self-respect, self-determination and the human dignity of discriminated © 2006

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