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Welcome to Honors Spanish II

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Honors Spanish II"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Honors Spanish II
Teacher: Señora Singer

2 Materials Materials: For this class is required for the students to have: NOTEBOOK Textbook: AVENTURAS BINDER FOR HANDOUTS MATERIAL PREPARED BY THE TEACHER September booklet Pre-AP booklet (last quarter)

3 What are your kids going to learn...
From the book Aventuras, we are going to learn: The main grammar structures such us, Subjunctive (present, perfect and past, adverbial clauses, etc) Future and Conditional Si clauses with simple tenses

4 A lot of vocabulary, such us:
Foods and meals Celebrations Health Household chores The environment City life Professions

5 How is your son going to be learning all of these topics?
Writing short essays Writing and performing (memorizing) short and long dialogues Listening activities Blogging and recording Class projects *culture*

6 Class expectations and grading scale
Speak spanish at all times Participation………………..30% Homework………………….15% Quizzes……………………..20% Tests………………………...35%

7 Trip to Spain Great opportunity!
This trip is to Seville and it is a great opportunity for your son get advanced classes to be successful in AP Spanish Class next year. When: June 24th to July 7th, 2018 Price: 2 weeks, $2,500 More info to come!

8 How can you find out how your kid is doing?...
phone number (301)

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