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Report on the funding situation of EAPN National Networks

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1 Report on the funding situation of EAPN National Networks
EAPN Funding Seminar Report on the funding situation of EAPN National Networks Input Tanya Basarab EAPN Development Officer 8-9 May 2009, Brussels



4 Context


6 Structure and aims 6 representatives of NNs responsible for fundraising or financial management Identify challenges and obstacles Help map the funding reality of NNs Support organization of a funding seminar Develop proposals and recommendations

7 Mapping the funding reality - questionnaire
Questions around: Budget and its administration Conditions and barriers to funding What NNs understand by finances EAPN support to strengthen NNs funding capacity


9 Some comments on the content
15 NNs + Poverty Alliance from Scotland Brief information Some data hard to compare (ex: time spent fundraising) Specific examples to illustrate the situation… more are needed! More information necessary for some questions (co-funding, private fundraising…) Conclusions common to most members

10 Total budget Big difference from no funds (EAPN Lithuania) to € (Portugal) 5 NNs budget between € 7 NNs budget between – € 2 NNs > € 2 NNs > € 1 NN > € 1 NN > € 1 NN > € 1 NN > €

11 Sources and spending Sources of funding: 9 NNs > 50% of public funding (funds coming directly from public authorities) 15 NNs > 50% of private funding (including member fees, EAPN contributions and private funding) Division of spending: 15 NN > 50% project funding 5 NN > 50% core costs but generally very small budgets

12 Is funding available for…
Promoting the European dimension/agenda – little or no funds Target group activities – available for service provision mainly Working on poverty in general – little or no funds Lobby work – few or no funds (except LX and NO); in some cases conditioned not to use funds on lobby Services – available Promoting participation of people experiencing poverty - available in some countries. Are they sufficient?

13 Barriers Low capacity to manage large projects
Difficulties with co-funding Lack of public funds to cover core costs Not enough cooperation with foundations Lack of resources to do fundraising (for some) competition from other organisations in the sector

14 Strengths Flexibility Strong motivation and volunteering Commitment
Unique purpose and credibility with governments Building own experience on developing participation of people experiencing poverty Wide network of various actors Experience in project management

15 Weaknesses Insufficiency of resources
Getting government commitment to fund lobby and participation Making the network representative Building the capacity to manage large-scale projects Government commitment to long-term funding

16 Conclusion NNs and anti poverty NGOs are struggling to get core costs covered lack of funding for developing participation of people experiencing poverty Lack of funding for advocacy with few exceptions Lack of funding to link national with European work The economic crisis puts more pressure on anti poverty NGOs


18 EAPN Demands Develop a lobby strategy to:
Set up funding programmes on poverty to cover core costs of NGOs Increase funding for NGOs addressing the needs of vulnerable groups, especially in the economic crisis Set up participation mechanisms for people experiencing poverty and finance them adequately Stop the conditioning of funds against lobby work Fund work that links European with national and local anti poverty work

19 Some Questions Lobby for anti poverty work in general or for EAPN NNs?
lobby for participation only or include service provision in the scope? How do we bridge policy making with project implementation? How do NNs manage the question of co-funding? What is the financial relation with EAPN Europe?

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