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Why are you here (in an English class, not here on Earth)?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are you here (in an English class, not here on Earth)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are you here (in an English class, not here on Earth)?
September 2 & 3, 2014 Expectations when entering this room: Enter quietly, Sit at your desk (use the seating chart to locate your desk and sit calmly, Begin the daily assignment (D.A.). D.A. On your own paper, answer the following questions utilizing complete sentences—this means more than one sentence. Why are you here (in an English class, not here on Earth)? What is the reason for reading a text (nonfiction, fiction, poetry)? What have you brought to this class, and how do you intend to use that talent? What will you relinquish to give your best to academics, art (any form/genre), athletics? Are you willing to complete your homework, review material, study every night? Explain. Determination, Respect, Effort, Achievement, Motivation: Complete the half-sheet….


3 Scholars: Read accurately Engage in intelligent discussion
Desire to learn more than surface Study daily to prepare for class Listen actively Accept personal and social responsibility to maintain work load and contribute sufficient meaning to group’s efforts Exhibit patience and accept a variety of answers for unresolved questions as starting points for further thinking and exploring of ideas Possess basic command of language or willingness to learn it Willingly accept and profit from constructive criticism

4 Take Something Without ASKING!
One Does Not Simply Take Something Without ASKING!

5 Values Respect Honesty Responsibility Accountability Raising Hands
Silence while others speak Opinions/ideas “Yes, Ma’am”, “No, Ma’am”, “Please”, “Thank you” Teacher desk/ Your desk Keep Desks clean – no trash etc. Do not take other people’s items or materials NO GUM Honesty When asked, be honest – gum, talking, etc. Your work is your work (no copying/cheating) Responsibility To do your job as a student Take accurate and thorough notes Complete all assignments Study Accountability Learning Discipline Grades



8 Procedures (How to…) Enter & exit the classroom Handle an absence
Arrive tardy/late Collect and disseminate papers Bathroom/Water/Help Desk/ Printing/Guidance



11 Expectations for All Assignments
All assignments, whether they are for classwork, warm ups or journal entries, homework, should be written as if they are part of a major assessment.



14 Grading System and Scale
Tests, Major Essays & Projects 35% Quizzes, Minor Essays & Projects 25% Class Work, Group Work 20% Homework, Discourse 20% A A A B B B C C C Unacceptable: D+/D or F 0-64 *Less than 70% is not passing in most states.


September 2, st HCPS Dress Code (Code of Conduct p.3-4) Warrior Ways to Respond 3rd Attendance (Student Handbook p.5-6) Lunch (Student Handbook p.9) 5th Cellular Phones/Electronic Devices Guidelines (Code of Conduct p.6-7) 7th Code 2: Substance Abuse (Code of Conduct p.11-14) Bus Transportation (Student Handbook p.14) September 3, nd Code 14: Bullying (Code of Conduct p.34) Code 5: Fighting/Assaults/Threats (Code of Conduct p.19) 4th Code 12: Technology and the Internet (Code of Conduct p.28-32) 5th Code 6: Integrity (Code of Conduct p.20) 6th Code 4: Disorderly Conduct/ Disruptive Behavior (Code of Conduct p.17-18)

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