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Presentation on theme: "Leaves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaves

2 Leaves play an important role for the plant!

3 What leaves do for the plant
Control amount of water in the plant Transpiration – water vapor evaporates through the stomates Exchange gases () Carbon Dioxide in and Oxygen out hrough the stomates Make the food for the plant Photosynthesis

4 The loss of water through the leaves by evaporation
Transpiration The loss of water through the leaves by evaporation

5 Stomates Tiny openings found on the underside of leaves
Have guard cells on either side to open and close Open during photosynthesis to take-in carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water vapor

6 A cross-section of a leaf with Stomata

7 What the stomata make happen!

8 Photosynthesis

9 Photosynthesis! Photosynthesis Requires: Photosynthesis Produces:
carbon dioxide (from the air) water (from the soil) light energy chlorophyll (green pigment to absorb light energy) Photosynthesis Produces: glucose (sugar to “feed” the plant) oxygen (a waste product) Water vapor

10 Here is another way of understanding how photosynthesis happens.

11 Once more to help explain

12 Glucose What is glucose anyway? Type of sugar
Plants consume the sugar they create for energy to help them grow Animals consume plants to get that same sugar for energy

13 Breathe in, Breathe out Plants “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breathe” out oxygen – this is how plants “exchange gases”! Animals do the opposite of plants – we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide This happens during photosynthesis through the stomates Without plants we would not have oxygen to breathe!

14 A little more information about Xylem and Phloem!
Bonus Material A little more information about Xylem and Phloem!

15 Xylem and Phloem

16 The flow in xylem and phloem

17 Transpiration and Photosynthesis simplified

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