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Presented By : S.Pradeep (AP/MCT)

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By : S.Pradeep (AP/MCT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By : S.Pradeep (AP/MCT)
End - Effectors Presented By : S.Pradeep (AP/MCT)

2 categories of end-effectors
Gripper Tools

3 gripper To grasp and hold objects. Machine loading / Unloading
Pick parts from conveyor Arrange parts onto a pallet.

4 classification Single gripper Double gripper Multiple gripper

5 Single gripper Only one grasping device Machine loading
Machine unloading

6 Double gripper Two gripping devices Actuate independently
Simultaneous Loading / Unloading

7 Multiple gripper Two or More grasping devices.
May/ May not actuate independently. Holding large-flat objects like Glass.

8 Internal gripper Grasp the object on its internal surface

9 External Gripper Grasp the object on its exterior surface

10 Mechanical gripper Mechanical fingers actuated by a mechanism .
Fingers also called ‘Jaws’. Attached or Integrated part of the mechanism.

11 Types of gripper mechanism
Based on type of FINGER MOVEMENT: Pivoting Movement Linear or translational movement.

12 Types of gripper mechanism
Based on KINEMATIC DEVICE: Linkage Actuation Gear and Rack Actuation Cam Actuation Screw Actuation Rope and Pulley Actuation


14 Gear & Rack Mechanism

15 CAM Actuation

16 Screw actuation

17 Other types of gripper Vacuum Cups: Also called ‘Suction Cups’.
Objects – flat, smooth and clean like glass. Cup material : Elastic, rubber, or soft plastic. Piston operated or vane-driven device powered by electric motor. Lift capacity : Effective area of cup & negative air pressure.



20 Other types of gripper Magnetic Gripper (Permanent/Electromagnet):
To handle ferrous materials. Advantages: Pick time are very fast. Variations in part size can be tolerated Handle metal parts with holes. Require only one surface for gripping. Disadvantages: Residual magnetism in the work piece. Cant pick up a single sheet from a stack.

21 Magnetic grippers




25 Other types of grippers
Adhesive Gripper To handle fabrics and other light weight materials. Hooks: Loading and Unloading from overhead conveyors. Scoops: To handle liquid or powder form of materials. Inflatable bladder or diaphragm For gripping fragile objects

26 Tools as end-effectors
Spot Welding:

27 Tools as end-effectors
Arc Welding:

28 Tools as end-effectors
Spray Painting:

29 Tools as end-effectors

30 Tools as end-effectors
Grinding :

31 Tools as end-effectors
Wire Brushing:

32 Tools as end-effectors
Heating Torch :

33 Tools as end-effectors
Water Jet Cutting :

34 Gripper selection Part surface should be reachable.
Size variations of the part must be accounted for Scratching and distorting the part during gripping Replaceable fingers. Self – Aligning fingers Grasping forces Speed and acceleration of the robot arm.

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