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ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

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1 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals
03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

2 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals
03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

3 SSE, LAOS and WSE Workshop Facilitated by:
Mary Madden, Director of Schools, Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB Linda Tynan, Director of Schools ,Tipperary ETB 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

4 Learning Intentions Deepen understanding of the SSE Process
Role of Senior Management in supporting an effective school self evaluation culture The importance of LAOS-Looking at our School. Deepen understanding of the drivers in relation to the updated SSE/LAOS guidelines WSE-Whole School Evaluation. Focus on process and school experiences. Supports for School Self-Evaluation

5 School Self-Evaluation
SSE is a collaborative, reflective process of internal school review SSE is a way of working that provides one coherent internal improvement process for schools. It incorporates school development planning and DEIS action planning In the next cycle of SSE ( ), schools should continue to focus on teaching and learning Schools have flexibility to focus their SSE on aspects of teaching and learning according to the needs of the school Schools should select a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 aspects of teaching and learning as the focus for their SSE process from Typically, most schools will use the process to assist them in introducing and embedding relevant aspects of the Junior Cycle Framework Every school is required by 2023 to use SSE to initiate a wellbeing promotion review and development cycle. Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice pg 22. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

6 Key Drivers Education Act 1998- School Plan SSE Circular 40/2012
LAOS-Quality Framework Leadership and Management Circular 03/2018 Wellbeing Policy Statement and framework for Practice. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

7 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

8 Circular 0040/2016 Follows on from, and supersedes, Circular 0040/2012, Implementation of School Self-Evaluation Provides an overview of the first cycle of school self- evaluation, Sets out the requirements for schools in their continuing engagement with school self-evaluation of teaching and learning Outlines appropriate timeframes and stages for the school self-evaluation process, Indicates the support available to schools for school self- evaluation Includes a summary at section 10, listing the actions that schools need to take 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

9 The Six-Step School Self –Evaluation Process
03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

10 Framework-these are the standards to assist in examining the equality of Education provision in the school 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

11 Looking at our Schools 2016 Two Dimensions: Four Domains
Teaching and Learning Leadership and Management Leading learning and teaching Managing the organisation Leading school development Developing leadership capacity Learner outcomes Learner experiences Teachers’ individual practice Teachers’ collective/collaborative practice 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

12 Looking at our Schools 2016 Standards outlined in each domain
Statements of effective practice Statements of highly effective practice Evaluate the effectiveness of your current practice and make judgements on the evidence gathered using the statements of practice in the SSE Guidelines Start with statements of effective practice Build on strengths and work towards excellence 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

13 Looking at our Schools 2016 A Quality Framework for Schools
Designed to underpin SSE and School Inspections Provides standards to help assess how good practice is Allows school to look at their own practice and identify what is working well Points the way towards improvement where needed Assists parents and stakeholders to understand how well schools are working and how well students are learning Designed to inform all inspections from 2016 SSE will focus on Teaching and Learning section only – Schools are not required to engage in self-evaluation of leadership and management in the second phase of SSE ( ) 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

14 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals
Discussion-5 mins Give an example of one area where your school has successfully moved from Effective to Highly Effective Practice 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

15 Write and Share Report and Improvement Plan
SSE report and improvement plan should be a single document and completed annually-3 pages First Section: Report- outlines progress made on implementing improvement areas that were the subject of evaluation and improvement plans in previous year new aspect of teaching and learning chosen Areas school has prioritised for improvement Second Section: Improvement Plan- targets for improvement with a focus on learner outcomes actions required to achieve targets over 3 years Who will undertake actions Who will monitor the implementation and progress Reference to how parents can help Timeframe for achievement of targets 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

16 Communicating the school self-evaluation process to the school community
Schools should provide a summary of their self-evaluation report and the school improvement plan to the whole school community. This single document should be brief, clear and meaningful. BOM The summary document should include the following headings: • This is what is working well in our school • This is how we know • This is what we are going to focus on to make our practice even better • This is how parents can help 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

17 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals
TEMPLATE [School name] Our Self-Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan 1. Introduction This document records the outcomes of our last improvement plan, the findings of this self-evaluation, and our current improvement plan, including targets and the actions we will implement to meet the targets. Outcomes of our last improvement plan from [date] to [date]  1.2 The focus of this evaluation We undertook self-evaluation of teaching and learning during the period (month/year) to (month/year). We evaluated the following aspect(s) of teaching and learning:  2. Findings  2.1 This is effective / very effective practice in our school List the main strengths of the school in teaching and learning.  2.2. This is how we know List the evidence sources. Refer to students’ dispositions, attainment, knowledge and skills.   2.3 This is what we are going to focus on to improve our practice further Specify the aspects of teaching and learning the school has identified and prioritised for further improvement.  3. Our improvement plan On the next page we have recorded: The targets for improvement we have set The actions we will implement to achieve these Who is responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing our improvement plan How we will measure progress and check outcomes (criteria for success) As we implement our improvement plan we will record: The progress made, and adjustments made, and when Achievement of targets (original and modified), and when ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals 03/05/2019

18 Put improvement Plan into Action
This is the key step in the process. All relevant school personnel should share ownership of the actions to be implemented at individual teacher, subject department or whole- school level. These actions should become part of the normal teaching and learning process. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

19 Monitor Actions and Evaluate Impact
In order to evaluate the impact of the actions they must be monitored. Useful questions: has practice changed in classrooms? what are teachers experiences of the agreed changes? what are the students experiences of the agreed changes? Schools will need to decide: how monitoring will occur who will be responsible for monitoring How progress will be determined and reported When and to whom progress will be reported If targets and actions are realistic or need to be changed 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

20 Supports for School Self-Evaluation
SSE guidelines 2016 Looking at our School 2016 PDST Leadership and Management Circular 03/2018 Wellbeing Policy Statement Online support Presentations Video clips Templates SSE e-bulletin Policy checklists 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

21 WSE-MLL Discussion-5 mins
Recent WSE –MLL Feedback Give one example of how you are you monitoring and evaluating the impact of your School Improvement Plan? 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

22 WSE-MLL Extracts School staff have engaged positively with the school self-evaluation (SSE) process; further refinement of whole school targets and ongoing review is advised. The SSE process within the school should be enhanced through setting more precise whole school targets at the outset; greater analysis of the whole-school impact of SSE initiatives on teaching and learning is also advised. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

23 WSE-MLL Extracts To improve consistency in the presentation and quality of students’ written work, a wholeschool approach to the provision of regular formative written feedback to students should be agreed and implemented. The standard of teaching was very good or good in most of the lessons observed with exemplary practices noted in some lessons; students’ learning would be further developed through purposeful monitoring of the quality of students’ work especially through the provision of written formative feedback. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

24 WSE-MLL Extracts Teaching, learning and assessment should be a standing item on the agenda of subject department meetings. The student voice and students’ active participation in the learning process should be strengthened through the use of a range of teaching methodologies and effective approaches that will support the achievement of those goals. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

25 WSE-MLL Extracts The assessment practices that engaged students as critical thinkers and the differentiation strategies supporting both more and less able learners that were observed in a number of lessons need to be extended to all lessons. SEN allocation is in need of review in line with the Guidelines for Post-Primary Schools and Circular letter 0014/2017. Reporting from the board to parents on the board’s key decisions and from the school to parents on school policies and procedures needs to be further developed. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

26 WSE-MLL Extracts The quality of leadership and management is of a very high standard; the duties assigned to the posts of responsibility are in the process of being reviewed, realigned to current school needs and reassigned To ensure that maximum value to the school is gained from the review of posts currently underway, role descriptors should be agreed for the duties assigned and mechanisms for reporting on performance in the roles should be outlined. 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

27 Summary: Deepen understanding of the SSE Process
Role of Senior Management in supporting an effective school self evaluation culture The importance of LAOS-Looking at our School. Deepen understanding of the drivers in relation to the updated SSE/LAOS guidelines WSE-Whole School Evaluation. Focus on process and school experiences. Supports for School Self-Evaluation 03/05/2019 ETBI Annual Conference for Principals and Deputy Principals

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