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FY-3 MWRI -Calibration and Time Series Record

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Presentation on theme: "FY-3 MWRI -Calibration and Time Series Record"— Presentation transcript:

1 FY-3 MWRI -Calibration and Time Series Record
Shengli Wu and Fenglin Sun National Satellite Meteorological Center XinXin Xie, Jiakai He and Hongxin Xu Shanghai Institute of Space Communication Technology Frascati Italy 2019/03/06

2 Contents FY-3D/MWRI Status Improvement of Cold Target filter
Improvement of A/D bias correction Inter-calibration with GMI Time Series Data Record Conclusion

3 FY-3D/MWRI Status

4 NeDT Channel 89V 89H 36V 36H 23V 23H 18V 18H 10V 10H FY-3A 0.67 0.58 0.31 0.33 0.38 0.44 0.43 FY-3B 0.55 0.64 0.26 0.24 0.36 0.35 0.37 0.30 FY-3C 0.41 0.27 0.39 0.40 0.42 0.29 FY-3D 0.23 0.34 0.28

5 Cold Target filter

6 Cold Target Irregular Points Ground Position(10V/10H/18V/18H)

7 EU:10.65GHz/US:18.7GHz Satellite Location Frequency TelStar18 138E
12.5 TelStar12 15W 11.5 TelStar11 37.5W 11.7 Hotbird 13E 11.6 TelStar14R 63W 12.2 AnikF1R 107.3W AnikF2 111.1W AnikF3 118.7W DirecTV10 103W 19.1 DirecTV11 99W 18.5 SpaceWayF1 102.8W

8 Before and after filter

9 Reflector emission (Using RTTOV and T639)
“Real” BT MWRI BT nonlinear Back lobe Ascending/Descending Bias =warm reflector emission+cold reflector emission

10 Warm/cold reflector emission(Emi V1.0)
b Y X1 X2

11 Warm/cold reflector emission(Emi V 2.0)
Consider the material and technology of warm and cold reflectors, only emissivity of warm reflector could be changed on orbit (or larger than the aluminum emissivity in the very beginning). Ɛ of pure aluminum Tested Ɛ (cold sky mirror) 10.65 GHz 18.7 GHz 23.8 GHz 36.5 GHz 89 GHz For “real” BT, b should be 0

12 Distribution of A/D Bias
FY-3C Bias FY-3C Emi V 2.0 FY-3C Emi V 1.0

13 Hot Reflector Emissivity of FY-3C/MWRI and FY-3D/MWRI

14 FY3D A/D Bias VS Lat FY3D A/D Bias

15 SNO With GMI 15Min,75x75Km Std<1K (20180101-20181231)

16 A/D Bias using O-B (from MetOffice)

17 FY-3/MWRI launch schedule
Shut down: 2008:FY-3A(10-89GHz, Dul-p); Operational: 2010:FY-3B(10-89GHz, Dul-p); 2013:FY-3C(10-89GHz, Dul-p); 2017:FY-3D(10-89GHz, Dul-p); Schedule:a 2020:FY-3F(Reflector increased from 1m to 1.8m); 2021:FY-3P(Precipitation Satellite, Lower orbit, Reflector increased from 1m to 1.6m); 2022:FY-3G(Reflector increased from 1m to 1.8m); The emissivity of reflector will be much improved for these 3 sensors.

18 Time Series Data Record

19 Recalibration of MWRI MWRI CDR (2010-2020)
Individual Problems (Back lobe, A/D Bias etc) Quality Contral (RFI, Solar, Luna) Re-Calibration of single Sensor (AGC point change etc) Re-Calibration of different Sensors (using FY-3D/MWRI as the reference sensor) Experiment on sensor or land surface Confirm the calibration result using GMI or other sensor Recalibration of MWRI MWRI CDR ( )

20 Individual Problems Periodic and Non-periodic Noise (RFI\Solar\Lunar etc) Antenna correction improvement(using RTM or GMI) Hot load correction improvement(reflector and back lobe) Cold target stability Receiver performance (non-linear factor) with the change of environment temperature and AGC Ta normalization according to Slightly change of EIA (for environmental parameters retrieval usage)

21 Data record re-call Amazon Tefe National forest

22 Bt Time series 10H 10V 18H 18V 23H 23V 36H 36V 89H 89V

FY-3B VS AMSR2 89H Land FY-3B VS GMI 89H Land

24 Next Step Non-linear correction improvement based on the status of AGC and receiver temperature; Cold reflector measurement on ground, to get a more accurate emissivity (Experiment in preparing: using a huge metal bucket aiming to sky); Cold target stability analysis (34points for cold target measurement); Reprocessing of FY-3B/MWRI and FY-3C/MWRI, apply the corrections have been used on FY-3D/MWRI; Investigate the long-term difference between FY-3B/MWRI and GMI/AMSR2 separately.

25 Thanks

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