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EE359 – Lecture 10 Outline Announcements: Average Ps (Pb)

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1 EE359 – Lecture 10 Outline Announcements: Average Ps (Pb)
Midterm Nov. 7, 11-1, Covers Chp. 1-7 Open book/notes. More details soon. Review session next week Practice midterms will be posted Average Ps (Pb) Combined average and outage Ps Ps due to Doppler and ISI Introduction to Diversity

2 Review of Last Lecture Modulation Tradeoffs Amplitude/Phase Modulation
Constellations, Pulse Shaping, Differential Error Probability for Amp/Phase Modulation Performance metrics in fading Outage, Average Ps , Combined outage and average Ps Outage probability Probability that Ps is above target Equivalently, probability gs below target (in AWGN)

3 Average Ps Ps Ps t or d Ts Expected value of random variable Ps
Used when Tc~Ts Error probability much higher than in AWGN alone Alternate Q function approach greatly simplifies calculations (switch integral order, becomes Laplace Xfm)

4 Combined outage and average Ps
Ps(gs) Ps(gs) Pstarget Ps(gs) Used in combined shadowing and flat-fading Ps varies slowly, locally determined by flat fading Declare outage when Ps above target value

5 Doppler Effects High doppler causes channel phase to decorrelate between symbols Leads to an irreducible error floor for differential modulation Increasing power does not reduce error Error floor depends on BdTs

6 ISI Effects Delay spread exceeding a symbol time causes ISI (self interference). ISI leads to irreducible error floor Increasing signal power increases ISI power ISI requires that Ts>>Tm (Rs<<Bc) 1 2 3 4 5 Tm Ts

7 Introduction to Diversity
Basic Idea Send same bits over independent fading paths Independent fading paths obtained by time, space, frequency, or polarization diversity Combine paths to mitigate fading effects Tb t Multiple paths unlikely to fade simultaneously

8 Main Points Fading greatly increases average Ps .
Alternate Q function approach simplifies Ps calculation, especially its average value in fading (Laplace Xfm). Doppler spread only impacts differential modulation causing an irreducible error floor at low data rates Delay spread causes irreducible error floor or imposes rate limits Need to combat flat and frequency-selective fading Focus of the rest of the course. Diversity combats flat-fading by combining independently fading paths.

9 Happy Halloween

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