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contentious: (adj.) creating disagreement argumentative; quarrelsome

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Presentation on theme: "contentious: (adj.) creating disagreement argumentative; quarrelsome"— Presentation transcript:

1 contentious: (adj.) creating disagreement argumentative; quarrelsome
definition: creating disagreement argumentative; quarrelsome subject to litigation

2 contentious pronunciation: kuh n-ten-shuh s

3 contentious argumentative antagonistic disagreeable belligerent
SYNONYMS: argumentative antagonistic disagreeable belligerent querulous combative petulant

4 contentious noun: contention contentiousness adverb: contentiously
related forms: noun: contention contentiousness adverb: contentiously

5 contentious Constantly contentious, the couple was not good company.

6 contentious Contentious by nature, the young woman struggled to control her temper.

7 contention A struggle between good and evil caused an internal contention that troubled the man.

8 contention The men were not able to discuss anything without ending up in a full-blown contention.

9 contentiously The man contentiously attacked anyone who got in his way.

10 contentiously The baseball player contentiously argued the call.

11 contentiously Even toddlers can behave contentiously.

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