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Objectives Challenges in New Product Development (NPD)

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Challenges in New Product Development (NPD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Challenges in New Product Development (NPD)
Organizational Structure & NPD Stages & Management of NPD Diffusion & Adoption of New Products

2 Why New Products Fail “Over Championing” Overestimated Demand
Poor Design Poor Marketing Execution High Development Costs Strong Competitive Reaction

3 Challenges in NPD Idea Shortage Fragmented Markets
Social & Governmental Constraints Cost Capital Shortage Need for Speed Shorter Product Life Cycles

4 Probability of Success
commercialization given technical completion X Probability of economic success given commercialization X Overall probability of success = Probability of technical completion

5 Concept Development & Testing
1. Develop Product Ideas into Alternative Product Concepts Concept Development & Testing 2. Concept Testing - Test the Product Concepts with Groups of Target Customers 3. Choose the Best One

6 Consumer-Goods Market Testing
Sales- Wave Research Test offering trail to a sample of consumers in successive periods. Simulated Test Market Test in a simulated shopping environment to a sample of consumers. Standard Full marketing campaign in a small number of representative cities. Controlled A few stores that have agreed to carry new products for a fee.

7 Commercialization Whom Product Price Place Promotion When Where

8 Characteristics of the Innovation Rate of Adoption
Relative advantage Compatibility Complexity Divisibility Communicability

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