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Do Now Last Lesson Last Week

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1 Do Now Last Lesson Last Week
Describe the demographic profile of both Lympstone and Toxteth. Last Lesson Last Week Describe the built environment of Lympstone.


3 Explaining the Identity of Lympstone and Toxteth
Learning Objective To examine how the political and cultural characteristics are shaping the identities of Lympstone and Toxteth. Read the following article.



6 Read pages 144 & 145 to answer the questions below.
Tasks Read pages 144 & 145 to answer the questions below. Political Characteristics Compare and contrast the political structure for both Lympstone and Toxteth. Which place out of the two do you think has greater political power and why? Cultural Characteristics Is Toxteth likely to have cultural diversity? Why or why not? Give examples/evidence of this. Is Lympstone likely to have a similar cultural face? Why or why not? Describe Lympstone cultural face.

7 Explaining the Identity of Lympstone and Toxteth
Learning Objective To examine how the built up environment of the present day shapes the identities of Lympstone and Toxteth.


9 Exam Style Question: In what ways can the built environment of a place indicate its identity?

10 Explaining the Identity of Lympstone and Toxteth
Learning Objective To examine how the shifting flows of people, resources, money and investment and ideas have helped shape the identities of Lympstone and Toxteth.

11 Other Factors influencing Place Profiles
2. Shifting flows of people – as people make up of a place’s profile, changes to the people living in a place changes its profile. Migration brings people into a place but it also leads to others moving away. These flows of people can change the demography of a place. Stage in life cycle is an important influence on where people live and so influences places profiles. One part of an urban area can receive an influx of young adults e.g. students or young professionals just starting out on their careers and living away from home. Many such areas are inner city areas. At retirement many people move away to smaller settlements e.g. rural or coastal regions. In ACs due to improvement in transport, technology and communications, many people commute tot work and now live further away than was the case in the past. This changes the place profiles of where they lie and work. Many smaller settlements are now within commuting distance and this has brought about significant changes to these places. You should be clear in your answers at what scale the migrations you discuss are operating.

12 Other Factors influencing Place Profiles
3. Resources – these help to shape a place profile as places possess different natural resources. The local availability of a mineral resource for example can lead to the establishment of a community focused on mining that mineral. This is reflected in the human characteristics of that place. And if the resource runs out or is no longer required, the place undergoes change, although evidence of its previous profile persists, for example in buildings. When a place no longer has the advantages a resource once gave it, its profile can soon become characterised by decline – this can be environmental, socio-economic, cultural or political. This leads to the need for regeneration and rebranding. If a place gains access to a new resource then an upward spiral of development can occur. Resources should be given a broad definition. Anything which humans can make use of can be included e.g. climate and heritage can be important resources for resorts.

13 Other Factors influencing Place Profiles
4. Money and investment –places require money to function. Flows of money and investment come and go, and this in turn brings about change to a place’s profile. In all countries, governments are an important source of an investment to a place and governments can operate a t a variety of different scales – transnational e.g. UN or EU; national; regional; local. Government spending on characteristics of places such as infrastructure, education, health and the environment can greatly influence place profiles. Private flows are also significant from TNCs – substantial change can be ought to a place if a TNC invests in it or leaves. When investigating the place profile of a place at a local scale, small scale investments from local investments can be significant. The opening or closing of a shop or an office in a local community can make a big difference to a local place. The growth of clone high streets or towns is one example of where the loss of local investment changes a place’s profile. Clone high street is one dominated by high street chain stores and very few local , independent businesses survive.

14 Other Factors influencing Place Profiles
5. Ideas – because place profiles are so influenced by people, ideas can play a major role in making places what they are. In ACs, as both economy ad society have moved to a post industrial context, the service sector (knowledge economy) has been playing an increasing role in people’s lives. Some places are able to participate fully in the knowledge economy and so they develop a distinctive place profile. Cities for example tend to be actively involved in the knowledge economy. Their places profiles suggest thriving, lively places. Whereas places struggling to take advantage of the knowledge economy can have profiles suggesting stagnation and decline.

15 Shifting Flows (of people; ideas & resources)
Why has Toxteth experienced mass unemployment and what shifts did this lead to? What was one of the major contributory factors to the Toxteth Riots in 1981? What is meant by the ‘Knowledge economy’? Why didn’t unemployed people in Toxteth get new jobs in this employment sector? How did Lympstone benefit from the ‘knowledge economy’? What shifts were witnessed here? What has happened in Toxteth since the 1980s and the riots? Refer to shifts in resources (people and finance) as well as ideas. How has EU funding helped Toxteth in the past? What shift is this?


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