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Tov meih bungx daic meih nyei cell phone oc

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1 Tov meih bungx daic meih nyei cell phone oc
January 2, 2011 Please turn off your cell phone Tov meih bungx daic meih nyei cell phone oc Title: Jangx Yesu Nyei Hnaangx Text: 1 Ko^lin^to 11:17-33 1 Corinthians 11:17-33

2 Communion Bread and Juice

3 Do This To Remember Of Me Oix zuqc hnangv naaiv zoux weic Yie

4 Meih mbuo haaix zanc hopv naaiv zaanv oix zuqc zoux weic jangx Yie.

5 Ziouv Yesu Gorngv “Naaiv norm zaanv se longc yie nyei nziaamv liepc daaih nyei siang-ngaengc waac. Meih mbuo haaix zanc hopv naaiv norm zaanv, oix zuqc zoux weic jangx yie.”

6 23 Weic zuqc Ziouv jiu bun yie nyei leiz yie zipv daaih yaac jiu bun meih mbuo mi'aqv. Se dongh Ziouv Yesu zuqc maaic wuov muonz, ninh zorqv njuov daaih, ie.” 23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread,

7 24 laengz zingh liuz Tin-Hungh, ziouc maeqv nqoi daaih gorngv, “Naaiv yie nyei sin, se weic meih mbuo. Meih mbuo oix zuqc hnangv naaiv nor zoux weic jangx yie. 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."

8 25 Nyanc liuz hnaangx, Yesu fih hnangv nyei zorqv norm zaanv daaih yaac gorngv, “Naaiv norm zaanv se longc yie nyei nziaamv liepc daaih nyei siang-ngaengc waac. Meih mbuo haaix zanc hopv naaiv norm zaanv, oix zuqc zoux weic jangx yie. 26 Hnangv naaic, taux Ziouv Yesu aengx daaih, haaix zanc nyanc naaiv norm njuov yaac hopv naaiv norm zaanv, meih mbuo bun cing Yesu daic mi’aqv. 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

9 Mbuo Lomh Nzoih Daux Gaux

Meih mbuo gapv zunv nyei ziangh hoc meih mbuo nyanc nyei se maiv zeiz nyanc Ziouv Yesu liepc daaih weic jangx ninh wuov donx hnaangx (vs. 20) (2) Weic zuqc nyanc wuov zanc gorqc mienh huaang jienv nyanc gorqc mienh nyei ndaangc Cingx daaih maaih deix hnyouv sie, maaih deix youc diuv nquin (vs. 21)

23 Weic zuqc Ziouv jiu bun yie nyei leiz yie zipv daaih yaac jiu bun meih mbuo mi'aqv. Se dongh Ziouv Yesu zuqc maaic wuov muonz, ninh zorqv njuov daaih, 24 laengz zingh liuz Tin-Hungh, ziouc maeqv nqoi daaih gorngv, “Naaiv yie nyei sin, se weic meih mbuo. Meih mbuo oix zuqc hnangv naaiv nor zoux weic jangx yie.” 25 Nyanc liuz hnaangx, Yesu fih hnangv nyei zorqv norm zaanv daaih yaac gorngv, “Naaiv norm zaanv se longc yie nyei nziaamv liepc daaih nyei siang-ngaengc waac. Meih mbuo haaix zanc hopv naaiv norm zaanv, oix zuqc zoux weic jangx yie.” 26 Hnangv naaic, taux Ziouv Yesu aengx daaih, haaix zanc nyanc naaiv norm njuov yaac hopv naaiv norm zaanv, meih mbuo bun cing Yesu daic mi'aqv.

12 “Meih mbuo haaix zanc hopv naaiv norm zaanv oix zuqc zoux weic jangx Yie”
Nyanc Singx Hnaangx Nyei Jauv Se Nyanc Weic Jangx Taux Ziouv Yesu Siouc Kouv Weic Mbuo.

13 Yesu ndaam mbuo nyei zuiz yaac siouc kouv weic mbuo, zuqc mienh mborqv, zuqc mienh hoic ninh

14 III. Maiv Dungx La’guaih Hopv Ziouv Nyei Zaanv
27 Weic naaiv, haaix dauh la'guaih nyanc Ziouv nyei njuov, longc Ziouv Nyei zaanv hopv, wuov dauh ziouc baamz Ziouv Yesu nyei sin caux Ziouv Yesu nyei nziaamv. 28 Dauh dauh mienh oix zuqc zaah ganh nyei hnyouv ndaangc cingx daaih nyanc naaiv norm njuov, hopv naaiv norm zaanv. 29 Haaix dauh nyanc fai hopv yaac zieqv maiv duqv Ziouv Yesu nyei sin, ninh nyanc yaac hopv bun ninh ganh zuqc dingc zuiz. 30 Weic naaiv meih mbuo mienh camv butv baengc, mau haic, aengx maaih deix daic mi'aqv.

15 31 Se gorngv mbuo zaah ganh nyei hnyouv ndaangc ziouc maiv
zuqc Tin-Hungh dingc zuiz. 32 Mv baac Ziouv dingc mbuo nyei zuiz yaac mborqv njaaux mbuo weic bun mbuo maiv zuqc caux baamh mienh dingc zuiz Gorx-youz aac, weic naaiv meih mbuo gapv zunv nyanc Ziouv liepc daaih nyei hnaangx, laanh oix zuqc zuov laanh. 34 Haaix dauh hnyouv sie, oix zuqc yiem biauv nyanc ndaangc. Taux gapv zunv nyei ziangh hoc, meih mbuo ziouc maiv zuqc dingc zuiz. Wuov deix ganh nyungc sic, zuov yie taux m'daaih mbenc.

16 IV. Setv Mueiz Waac Nyanc Singx Hnaangx nyei jauv se maiv zeiz zoux a’nziaauc nyei jauv. Nyanc Singx Hnaangx nyei jauv se zoux weic jangx taux Ziouv Yesu siouc kouv weic mbuo. Nyanc Singx Hnaangx maiv horpc longc diuv. Mbuo maiv haih la’guaih nyanc Singx Hnaangx. Dauh dauh mienh oix zuqc zaah ganh ndaangc liuz cingx daaih nyanc Singx Hnaangx. Haaix dauh maiv hiuv duqv nyanc Singx Hnaangx maaih haaix nyungc eix-leiz bun ninh nor, se bun ganh zuqc dingc zuiz.

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