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Thinking Skills Chapter 3

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1 Thinking Skills Chapter 3
FCS 91-Life Management Thinking Skills Chapter 3

2 Chapter Three Improving your thinking skills
The brain Memory Thinking critically Mind mapping Problem solving

3 The Brain Neurotransmitters Complex perception Constantly filtering
Thoughts and feeling Constantly filtering It pays attention to things that have meaning to YOU.

4 Types of Memory Sensory memory records what is perceived by the senses. Lasts less than 2 seconds. Short-term memory associates new material with stored information. Holds information currently in use. Lasts about 20 seconds. Long-term memory stores information for later use, like a database or file cabinet. Lasts forever (but is not always retrieved).

5 Memory Sensory memory Short-term memory Long-term memory 5 senses?
Currently using Long-term memory Filing system, index or database Limitless What we think we forget is stored here, we just have a hard time retrieving it.

6 Techniques to Improve Memory
Use repetition to boost short-term memory. Organize material for long-term storage. Make meaningful associations between new material and existing information. Use mnemonics such as songs, poems, and acronyms to help yourself remember things.

7 How well can you remember?

8 How many items total? Did you organize the items?
Did you use categories? Did you visualize the items? Did you use repetition? What kind of memory is this exercise an example of?

9 Thinking Critically: Logic
Deductive reasoning: if the premises are true, the conclusion is true. Inductive reasoning: if the premises are true, the conclusion is probably true. Read page 71

10 Logic Deductive reasoning Inductive reasoning The conclusion is true
Facts Inductive reasoning Make assumptions Opinions When it rains, the streets get wet. There are clouds in the sky, it is going to rain.

11 Solving Problems Be proactive. Take responsibility and commit yourself to solving the problem. A reactive attitude to problems, by contrast, is essentially negative and is unlikely to produce a solution.

12 Share your problems Describe a problem you have
Page 73 Describe a problem you have Write the reasons why you can’t solve it! Imagine that you can solve it! Commit to solving it -

13 The PrOACT Approach Define the problem. Know your objectives.
Page 75 Define the problem. Know your objectives. Think of alternatives. Recognize the consequences. Evaluate the trade-offs.

14 What is Creativity? Creativity is the ability to see things in a new way and to come up with unusual and effective solutions to problems. Creativity is not related to intelligence. Creative people tend to be: - intrinsically motivated. - live/work in stimulating environments w/other creative people - not afraid to make mistakes - perform task w/out fear of judgement

15 Boosting Your Creativity
Associative thinking. Let your mind wander to gain fresh insight. Backburner thinking. Know when to stop thinking about a problem. Mind-mapping. A visual approach to problem solving. Brainstorming and mindstorming. Generate ideas quickly without judging.

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