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Guided Pathways Work Plan

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1 Guided Pathways Work Plan
Dr. Brian Lofman Dean of Institutional Planning, Research & Effectiveness Dr. Hetty Yelland English Instructor & Guided Pathways Planning Specialist March 9, 2018 Present Outline here: Each core outcome will include Metrics with Operational Definitions; Data; & Benchmark.


3 Core Outcomes for Strategic Plan 2019-2024 Adopted August 1, 2017
1. Completion of Degrees and Certificates  The goal is to increase completion 2. Time and Units to Degree Completion  The goal is to reduce time and units 3. Transfer to Four-Year Institutions  The goal is to increase transfer 4. Student Employment Following Training or Degree/ Certificate Completion  The goal is to improve student employment

4 Advancement of Transfer Noteworthy Achievements & Employment
THE ASCENT Transfer Noteworthy Achievements & Employment Culminating in Completion Students Advancement of

How can we best help students make their ascent, so that we maximize their opportunity to achieve their goal? What framework can we employ to develop strategies to include in our Strategic Plan ? THE GUIDED PATHWAYS FRAMEWORK

6 Graduation Rates Source: IPEDS, accessed on 1/3/18 Definition:
Graduation Rate (150% of normal time):  Percentage of full-time, first time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in a particular year after removing any allowable exclusions (adjusted cohort), who completed their program within 150% of normal time to completion (or 3 years). Graduation Rate (200% of normal time):  Percentage of full-time, first time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in a particular year after removing any allowable exclusions (adjusted cohort), who completed their program within 200% of normal time to completion (or 4 years).

7 Median Time & Units to Degree By Year
Data Source: Hartnell College’s Database, accessed on 10/02/2017 Definition: Median Time to Degree: The median number of years from the time of a student's first enrollment at Hartnell College taking a credit course until the time they receive an AA, AS, or ADT degree, including only students who did not transfer in any credits, who were not concurrently enrolled, and who graduated each year from to Median Units to Degree: The median number of units completed from the time of a student's first enrollment at Hartnell College taking a credit course until the time they receive an AA, AS, or ADT degree, including only students who did not transfer in any credits, who were not concurrently enrolled, and who graduated each year from to

8 Time & Units to Degree by Percentile: 5-Year Cumulative Data
Time to Degree (Year) Units to Degree 0th percentile 1.8 60.0 20th percentile 2.9 79.0 25th percentile 3.0 81.5 40th percentile 3.9 87.5 60th percentile 5.3 97.0 68th percentile 6.0 101.5 80th percentile 8.3 111.0 Data Source: Hartnell College’s Database, accessed on 10/02/2017

9 Examples of Guided Pathways Work at Hartnell College
Registration Steps – 7 Steps for Success Panther Prep Days focused on counseling and registration Salinas Valley Health Professions Pathway Partnership Administration of Justice’s 100% Online & Fast Track (3 semester) Degree Program Clearly communicated program learning outcomes (PLOs) Rigorous academic work that prepares students for further education and is linked to employment opportunities Campus Signage

10 Hartnell GP Timeline

11 14 GP Elements Cross Functional Inquiry Shared Metrics
Integrated Planning Inclusive Decision Making Structures Intersegmental Alignment Guided Major and Career Exploration Improved Basic Skills Clear Program Requirements 9. Practice and Integrated Student Supports 10. Integrated Technology Infrastructure 11. Strategic Professional Development 12. Align Learning Outcomes 13. Assessing and Documenting Learning 14. Applied Learning Outcomes

12 7 Elements for the Hartnell Work Plan
Cross-Functional Inquiry 3. Integrated Planning 6. Guided Major and Career Exploration Opportunities 7. Improved Basic Skills 8. Clear Program Requirements 10. Integrated Technology Infrastructure 11. Strategic Professional Development

13 1. GP Highlights Campus-wide focus on inquiry (students, faculty, staff, administrators) Address the data silos Align PPA with GP Create intuitive and clean information for majors and careers Basic Skills accelerating to align with AB705 Develop an in-house web-based application for area high school counselors to view their students; progress on the 7 steps to success. Create push notifications relevant to the student’s pathway in the Ellucian GO app. Incentivize notifications with rewards. Continue with rollout of Ellucian student planner and investigate other GP software


Introduction to Guided Pathways (January 11) Rollout of 2018 Program Planning and Assessment Process - Focus on Student Success Data & Guided Pathways (end of January) Institutional Planning Retreat – Focus on Student Success & Guided Pathways (March 9) Workshop – Results of Survey of Entering Student Engagement & Relationship to Guided Pathways & ACCJC Accreditation (April 13)

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