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Studying digital logic

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1 Studying digital logic
ECE 2140 Spring 2012 GTA: Scott Trocchia Presented on 1/25/12

2 Digital Logic Base terminology:
State – condition of “something” at a particular time A human being, a machine, … Binary – a two-valued number system ‘0’ / ‘1’ ‘low’/ ‘high’ ‘false’ / ‘true’ ‘0 Volts’ / ‘5 Volts’ Compare it to decimal, which has values 0, 1, 2, 3, …

3 Why study digital logic?
Less sensitive to noise than analog signals DIGITAL SIGNAL RANDOM NOISE + ____________________________________________________________ DIGITAL SIGNAL + RANDOM NOISE

4 In Comparison to Analog…

5 Why study digital logic? (cont’d.)
Easier to send, receive, and recover signals Can send more data error-free Forms the basic building blocks for computers

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