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Name:____________________________ Class:_______

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Presentation on theme: "Name:____________________________ Class:_______"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name:____________________________ Class:_______
Traffic Count Weather…………………………… Name of Road…………………… Direction of traffic …………………… Time of count…………………… Date………………. Duration of count Minutes Cars Lorries/vans Buses Motor bikes Bicycles Total - Grand total of all vehicles…… X6 for approximate vehicles per hour

2 Pedestrian Count Weather…………………………… Location
Date………………. Duration of count Minutes Try to approximate peoples ages as they pass Child Teenager Adult Elderly Total - Grand total of pedestrians…… X6 for approximate people per hour

3 Field sketch of …………….. Date ………… Time ……... Name…………….. Weather……………..

4 Field sketch of …………….. Date ………… Time ……... Name…………….. Weather……………..

5 Building Condition Index Location:______________________
Time:________________ Weather ____________________ Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sagging roof Missing roof material Cracked or rotten walls Shabby appearance Rotting window frames Broken glass in windows Damaged doors Paint peeling off Poorly maintained fence/ wall Untidy garden SUB – TOTALS [add vertical columns] FINAL TOTAL [add all SUB-TOTALS] = % Poor Good

6 Building Condition Index Location:______________________
Time:________________ Weather ____________________ Factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sagging roof Missing roof material Cracked or rotten walls Shabby appearance Rotting window frames Broken glass in windows Damaged doors Paint peeling off Poorly maintained fence/ wall Untidy garden SUB – TOTALS [add vertical columns] FINAL TOTAL [add all SUB-TOTALS] = % Poor Good

7 Environmental Quality Index Location:______________________
Time:________________ Weather ____________________ Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bad housing Public rowdiness / crime Danger areas (building sites, rivers etc) Traffic Heavy industry Ugly derelict land Litter / vandalism Mechanical noise (cars, industry etc) Air pollution Untidy play areas or gardens SUB – TOTALS [add vertical columns] FINAL TOTAL [add all SUB-TOTALS] = % A lot Absent

8 Environmental Quality Index Location:______________________
Time:________________ Weather ____________________ Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bad housing Public rowdiness / crime Danger areas (building sites, rivers etc) Traffic Heavy industry Ugly derelict land Litter / vandalism Mechanical noise (cars, industry etc) Air pollution Untidy play areas or gardens SUB – TOTALS [add vertical columns] FINAL TOTAL [add all SUB-TOTALS] = % A lot Absent

9 Dalkeith Retail Map Draw a box and name each store on the precinct
Seating Area Subway Name of street:__________________

10 Dalkeith High Street Service Map Draw a box for each building
Label each box Low (L), Middle (M), High (H) Name of street:__________________

11 Dalkeith High Street Service Map Draw a box for each building
Label each box Low (L), Middle (M), High (H) Name of street:__________________

12 Dalkeith High Street Service Map Draw a box for each building
Label each box Low (L), Middle (M), High (H) Name of street:__________________

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