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…When It Comes The Tongue?

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2 …When It Comes The Tongue?
How Is Your Faith… …When It Comes The Tongue? James 3:1-12

3 Quotes from Proverbs Proverbs 10:8, 19. “A time to be silent”
Proverbs 17:27-28; 21:23. “Trouble can be avoided with silence” Proverbs 29:20. “Make sure brain is running before engaging mouth” Proverbs 15:1; 18:21. “Blessing or a curse”

4 An analysis of the text Verse 2 - This introduces the tongue
There may be a lot of ways in which we offend someone (cause to stumble) One way, which is uniformly manifest, is with the tongue Verses Great things like a horse and a ship are turned (controlled) by the smaller bit and rudder

5 Verses 7-8 - Ironic. Tame wild beasts, but not the tongue
Verse 6 - The tongue is a problem that can cause one to lose one’s soul! Verses Ironic. Tame wild beasts, but not the tongue Verses Contrasts “What ever is in the bucket is in the well.” See Matt. 15:17-20 How did Peter know about Simon the Sorcerer’s heart (Acts 8:21)? By what he said (Acts 8:19). [Later, cf. Acts 8:24] Fig tree, olive tree, and vines

6 Things I have learned about the tongue
I’ve got one & it has caused me grief (James 1:19) One who “just has to say something” is not a good example to follow (Prov. 13:3) How you say it is as important as what you are saying (Col. 4:6; Eph. 4:29) Sometimes the best thing to do with the tongue is bite it (Eccl. 3:7) Gossip and slander will kill a church (Prov. 16:28; 18:8; 1 Peter 4:15) Speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15)


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