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Why Do We - - Support Orphans?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do We - - Support Orphans?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Do We - - Support Orphans?
James 1:26-27

2 James 1:26-27 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless.  27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

3 Words to Study

4 Words to study Term to Study – ORPHAN Greek word – orphanos – means without support, guide, guardian, teacher I will not leave you orphans; (comfortless – KJV) I will come to you.  (John 14:18)

5 Words to Study Term to Study – VISIT Greek word – episkopos – means to look to the affairs of others, translated – bishop, overseer Visit – is not – sit and chat about the weather Visit – is – see to their needs, meet those needs

6 Why are there so many orphans?
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7 6 Devastating “D’s” Plus an “A”
1. Death of parents 2. Disease 3. Divorce

8 6 Devastating “D’s” Plus an “A”
4. Desertion 5. Delinquency – in prison 6. Drinking / Drugs

9 6 Devastating “D’s” Plus an “A”
7. Abuse Emotional abuse Sexual abuse Physical abuse

10 Why do we support orphans?
Should the church give financial support to orphans?

11 God is a friend to the orphan
Principles to Study God is a friend to the orphan We were all orphans at one time (without guide, teacher, support) Bible gives instructions for their care Law of Moses gave instructions

12 We are to follow Jesus’ example 1st century church cared for them
Principles to Study We are to follow Jesus’ example 1st century church cared for them We have the same command today Individual or the church? BOTH

13 In the 1950’s some congregations choose NOT to support orphan homes
Added NOTE: In the 1950’s some congregations choose NOT to support orphan homes Anger and hostility cause a split A division developed and they refused to fellowship those who supported an orphan home

14 Many used the term “anti”
Added NOTE: Many used the term “anti” We are all “anti” some things – sin, Satan, drug abuse, profanity, adultery, stealing, lying, etc. Use of the term “anti” adds to the division, and the separation

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