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Acts 13 v 22 1 Samuel 13 v 14.

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1 Acts 13 v 22 1 Samuel 13 v 14

2 Tangible (physical) – Intangible (soul?)
What is the Heart? Tangible (physical) – Intangible (soul?) Common parlance – emotions: love, sorrow, sympathy etc Biblical: no direct definition but widespread references 1. Matthew 9v4 ..thinking evil thoughts in your heart mind 2. Acts 11v3…to remain true with all their hearts will 3. John 16v22 ..I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice emotions 4. Hebrews 10v22.. Hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience. Conscience So according to the Bible, our heart is composed of : our mind, our will, our emotion, and our conscience, it does much more; our heart also thinks, decides, and senses right from wrong. Our heart is the gateway of our whole being. God wants a loving relationship with all people (His Spirit works in us in Salvation and on-going ‘walk’ to love Him with all our hearts and to love our neighbours)

3 A Man after God’s own heart
What does it mean? Saul – “..because you have not kept the LORD’s commands.” David – “..he will do everything I want him to do.” A man after God’s own heart isn’t perfect. Not possible! He won’t necessarily avoid significant and grievous sins that impact people. He is one who seeks to actively live in obedience to God while being captivated by the beauty, sufficiency, and necessity of God and is one who responds properly when confronted with his sin. That distinguishes David from Saul and David from most other people. Musician Poet King & Leader

4 The following words describe the heart of David (in own writings):
Humble  Psalm 62:9 Reverent  Psalm 18:3 Respectful  Psalm 31:9 Trusting  Psalm 27:1 Loving  Psalm 18:1 Devoted  Psalm 4:7 Faithful Psalm 23:6 Obedient Psalm 119:34 Repentant  Psalm 25:11 Enquiring of God 1& 2 Samuel numerous times David’s example is a great road map for how we are to live our life. Which of these areas need your greatest attention for improvement? Read Psalm 25 looking for the above Will you do everything GOD wants you to? Do you desire to know him better, know more of his will? Do you want a greater measure of his Spirit? Do you want to trust him more? Live his way? God says “I love you!” Jesus says “Come to me, remain in me, I will never leave you, I will give you rest!” God loves you the same as Moses, David, Paul, Peter etc

5 (1) Found (2) Full of Faith (3) Fallen (4) Forgiven
4 things about David He was: (1) Found (2) Full of Faith (3) Fallen (4) Forgiven Found or sought out “..the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart” 1 Samuel13v14 “I have found David …… a man after my own heart” Acts 13v22 Notice God does the seeking: he takes the initiative “the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost” Luke 19v10 Parables in Luke 15 The Lost Sheep and Prodigal Son God’s heart is set on finding the lost and he rejoices when it happens

6 2. Full of Faith David fought wild animals and Goliath 1 Samuel 17v34-37 He trusted that God would deliver him 1 Samuel 17v45-47 He knew God was with him

7 3. Fallen We easily discount ourselves – look at what I have done! David was far from perfect Committed the 2 worst sins of the OT: adultery and ‘arranged’ murder 2 Samuel 11v2-17 Those who are found get found out God revealed his crime to the prophet Nathan who exposed it 2 Samuel 12v1-10 David repented and was save from death v13

8 4. Forgiven When confronted by Nathan he repented and confessed “I have sinned against the Lord” 2 Samuel 12v13 He prayed for mercy - heartfelt penitence Psalm 51v1-4, 7, 17 He knew the Mosaic law made no provision for pardoning an adulterer or murderer – penalty was death by stoning His only hope was to throw himself on the Lord’s mercy He was ‘foreseeing Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross He was truly thankful for God’s forgiveness

9 Challenges: Lifestyle for all ‘heart patients’ Consider your ‘heart’
1. Diet – are you feeding yourself well? Reading and ‘chewing over’ the word of truth 2. Exercise – are you regularly working out? Practising your faith in serving, blessing others Actively Praying & Worshipping alone & together 3. Having Regular check-ups? Discipleship accountability, meaningful fellowship

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