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Unit 1 Fundamentals of IT

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1 Unit 1 Fundamentals of IT
LO4 – Understand employability and communication skills used in an IT environment 4.1 – Communication Skills 4.2 – Communication Technology

2 Starter
Go to the following website: Find out what communication skills you have by completing the survey. Use your school to get your report.

3 4.1 – Communication Skills

4 Activity Identify the communication skills that you need to develop
Come up with a plan of how you will develop these over the next two years for when you leave sixth form Write down some SMART targets Imagine you have your dream job*. Identify what communication skills you think you need and explain why they are important. * If you don’t yet have a dream job, imagine you are a software developer

5 Communication Skills Interpersonal skills
Face-to-face communication requires more than just talking. You must also be able to provide a positive image yourself, colleagues and organisation. Think about first impressions and how this can make people instantly like or dislike someone during first meetings. These signals may be through eye contact Make sure you look directly at the person you are talking to and don’t let your eyes wander. Body language – sometimes folding arms and slouching can give the impression you don’t have any interest in what is being said or done. Some body language can also be seen as insulting (yawning etc)

6 Communication Skills Verbal Communication
Needs to be effective and appropriate for the situation Know when to use technical and specialist terms and when to use easy to understand English for explanations. Some communications can be formal (eg. Meetings), whereas others may be informal (eg. Working closely with colleagues) Based on the situation the language used needs to be adjusted. Example: saying “Hiya Mate!” may not be acceptable when talking to senior colleagues or customers but is for close peers.

7 Communication Skills Questioning Techniques
When helping those with IT problems or finding out what is required (eg. For a new system) it is important to use careful questioning in order to obtain the information needed. There are 2 types of questioning techniques that can be used: Closed questions: Answers are normally 1 word or short factual answers. Can also be used by giving multiple answers to choose from Open questions: No obvious answer or can be used to give opinions. (eg. “Why did you select that Laptop?”) When questioning someone try to avoid leading questions Example: “Is the computer always this slow to start up?”

8 Communication Skills Written Communication
It is important to distinguish between formal and informal written communication. Formal communication: This could be a letter of application for a job, or an important report to external organisations Informal communication: This could be casual and spontaneous communication where you send an /text message to a friend or very close peer. Whether it should be formal or informal will be based on: The situation for the written communication – is it between colleagues or for external bodies What the organisation’s policies are for the documentation layout Whether the communication has legal status When sending written communication it is important to become familiar with the business’s policies and procedures for written communication. (This could be for the format of reports, letters, s and social networking.

9 Communication Skills Barriers to Communication
There are some circumstances which prevent the message being given or received. Noise Physical Noise – Can make listening difficult and therefore means communication may be misunderstood or ineffective. Mental Noise – Being worried or concerned can result in loss of concentration meaning conversation isn’t the main focus. Language Inappropriate used of complex or technical terminology. Difficulty in understanding peoples accents etc. Physical Barriers Hearing difficulties – Need to accommodate people using correct sign language or clear enunciation for lip reading.

10 4.2 – Communication Technology

11 Technology to Aid Communication
Forms of communication can be written or verbal Presentation software Includes text, graphics, video and audio. Used to tell a story or to support someone presenting information Word Processing Software For the production, editing, printing and storing text on a computer Used for writing letters, reports, books, leaflets and posters Distribution of electronic messages from one computer to another over a network. Used for sending information within and outside of different departments. Attach files to help with productivity. Web System of internet servers that support specially formatted documents often connected via hyperlinks Blog Regularly updated webpages run by an individual or small group. Similar to a personal journal which is accessible to the public Vlog Form of blog which includes video clips instead of written on a webpage Instant messaging Allows private communication between individuals in real time using the internet or cellular networks Other communication technology can be used: VoIP or video conferencing Use of the intranet Personal Assistants Linked calendars

12 Task You will be given a variety of scenarios and you need to choose the best communication technology for that specific scenario. You must explain why you have chosen that method. Set it out using the following table structure: Scenario Communication Technology Justification

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