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Vote Rerko and Scharadin!

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Presentation on theme: "Vote Rerko and Scharadin!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vote Rerko and Scharadin!
Mr. Rerko- President Mr. Scharadin- Vice President Candidates representing The Teacher Party Period 1,3,4,7,8

2 Introduction- 5 points How to get the points: No points:
Give some basic information about your campaign, including your name, running mate and political party. You do not have to pick a real political party, but you are more than welcome to. We created our own, but you can pick any real world party. How to get the points: No points: Your name(s) is/are clearly labeled □ Your class period is clearly labeled □ The political party you represent is clearly labeled □ PARTNERS: Clearly label who is President and Vice President □ No introduction information is provided

3 High Quality Education for All Citizens Treat All People Fairly
Defined: Treat All People Fairly Honesty in Government Every citizen should have the knowledge and skills to work and participate in society effectively. Everyone should be treated the same, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, or other factors. The government should be open, honest, and transparent with the people. There should be nothing to hide! Explained: As members of The Teacher Party and teachers in our daily life, we understand the value of education. Our campaign is built on the idea that everyone should be able to learn at a high level and get the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century! We want better schools and more money to teach students what they need to know and what they want to know successfully! Being a teacher is not an easy job– there are so many things to balance! One thing is for sure, though: everyone wants to be treated fairly. We know how important fairness is in the classroom, and that should extend outside of school! There are no teacher’s pets in the classroom– there definitely should not be in real life! Everyone should be treated the same. Lies always come back to bite you– that is true for teachers and students, so it should be true for governments! If elected, we pledge to be as open and honest as possible with the people of the united States. The people deserve to know what government is doing. Core Values

4 Core Values- 10 points How to get the points: No points:
Choose three core values. Define each core value and describe why you picked that value. Look at iCivics for inspiration, especially Win the White House. How to get the points: No points: Core Value #1 is labeled, defined, and described □ Core Value #2 is labeled, defined, and described □ Core Value #3 is labeled, defined, and described □ No core values are provided

5 Campaign Slogan and Logo
“Classroom Superpowers Now Available Nationwide” - Rerko-Scharadin Campaign Slogan Do you get it yet? Your two social studies teachers are fictitiously running for president? Or do you need us to really pour on the whole classroom angle? This slogan was chosen because it addresses the growth of two humble classroom teacher’s meteoric rise to be candidates in a presidential election! We are going to take our skills in the classroom to the national level! Campaign Slogan and Logo Rerko-Scharadin Campaign Logo Hey look! More teacher-related imagery with the apples! We designed our logo to be as simple as possible (let’s be honest, we are not as creative as you!) and communicate all the required information– the names of the candidates, the political party, and the year of the election.

6 Campaign Slogan- 5 points
Come up with a good, memorable slogan for your campaign. Try to be creative! Win the White House can also help here, or look at existing slogans. Make it about you! How to get the points: No points: Campaign slogan is clearly labeled □ Campaign slogan is appropriate □ Paragraph explaining slogan is complete □ No campaign slogan is provided

7 Campaign Button/Logo- 10 points
Design a memorable button or logo for your Presidential campaign! Use the Bumper Sticker Generator for design ideas! How to get the points: No points: Campaign button/logo is clearly visible □ Campaign button/logo is appropriate□ Campaign button/logo has color □ Campaign button/logo is neat and organized □ Paragraph explaining button/logo is complete □ No campaign button/logo is provided

8 Campaign Advertisement
Would your presidential candidate play dodgeball with students? Rerko and Scharadin would! Vote Teacher Party 2020 Campaign Advertisement We chose to use plainfolks propaganda in our advertisement. Plainfolks propaganda is when famous or powerful people try to appear like regular people. By using the image of us playing dodgeball, we are trying to appear as regular people, not big-time presidential candidates. This advertisements allows us to appear as likeable to a broader range of people.

9 Campaign Advertisement- 10 points
Create an advertisement for your presidential run! Use the types of propaganda discussed in class! Glittering Generality, Plainfolks, Name Calling (BE CAREFUL!), Transfer (use humor), Card-Stacking, Testimonial (have a celebrity endorse you), or Bandwagon (make up support) Bumper sticker generator, campaign sign maker and more How to get the points: No points: Campaign advertisement is effective and supports your run □ Accurately label the type of propaganda used in advertisement □ Paragraph explaining the campaign advertisement is complete □ No campaign ad is provided

10 Campaign Media Coverage
As candidates from the Teacher Party, we thought handing out backpacks would make headlines and improve our credibility as teachers who care about everyone! We were lucky enough that there were TV cameras there to show that we spend our campaign money on students, not just on advertisements!

11 Campaign Media- 5 Points
Create a mock newspaper, tweet, or news situation about your campaign! Use the variety of generators on my teacher page to help create this How to get the points: No points: Campaign media shows something from campaign □ Paragraph explaining campaign media is complete □ No campaign media is provided

12 Organization and Effort- 5 points
Information should be neat, organized, and easy to read. How to get the points: No points: Information is neat, organized, and easy to read. Effort is obvious. Information lacks neatness, organization, or is tough to read. Not much effort put in to project. No campaign media is provided

13 Participation- 5 Points
Participate effectively during the project. Work diligently and without disrupting others. How to get the points: No points: Worked hard through every class period □ Completed project on time □ Respectful to peers in classroom □ Did not require any redirection □ Did not meet behavioral expectations

14 Presentation- 10 points How to get the points: No points:
Share information with classmates effectively. How to get the points: No points: Stood in front of classmates and present project with confidence. Well prepared. Presented, but was not very well prepared and read every line from the board. Did not present

15 Extra Credit- UP TO 10 Points
Feeling bold? Need a grade boost? You can earn up to ten extra credit points on this project. Use the variety of generators on my teacher page to help create this How to get the points: No points: Above and beyond with details included in project □ Dressed up to present your project □ Extra effort put in to multiple components of the project □ Elected by classmates □ No extra credit completed

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