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Toward CDR: Plan & Perspective
Wednesday 18th July 2018 P. Abbon, F. Belloni, F. Benedetti, G. Coulloux, F. Gougnaud, C. Lahonde-Hamdoun, P. Le Bourlout, Y. Mariette, J. Marroncle, J.P. Mols, V. Nadot, L. Scola C. Thomas (ESS project leader) 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
IPHI test summary 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Optics: quite good results but poor skill in pMCP gain: no understanding of current behavior; electron/ion: no profile measurement with electrons ageing: no Led signal (λmin=325 nm; 3.3eV) really poor efficiency expected anyway polarization: Hamamatsu talk about substrate… in progress IPM cage Background: no efficient shielding (electrons) Polarization: symmetric HVs have to be increased (at least ±10 kV SC effect) Strips + Faster understand the signal shape (induction) done “trigger window” helps a lot, but only from April 9th to 12th, with good results Faster: offset problems to measure signal efficiently and to forbid electron mode Constant/Gaussian width complementary profile/halo HV trips Test done in laboratory: no trip below 15 kV material electric loading has to be inquired (air and vacuum with glass viewport to localize sparks or CCD camera to register) Implementation of HV monitoring, to be tested 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
FPM Unfortunately, no signal due to low signal and high background strips / optics: main features Strips: Reliability: if signal is strong enough, no need of MCP no sensitive material in vacuum but, development of specific electronics and integration in EPICS will be long and expensive Optics: pMCP inside vacuum less reliable CCD camera: not radiation hard, may be counteracted with optical fiber bundle?… but, developments for numerous CCD camera have been already done (low investment) Summary: comparison between strips and pMCP is not yet complete. We propose to inquire further with a new beam test at IPHI in September 2018. 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
2nd IPHI tests Sept. 6th to Oct. 5th 2018 and before…
18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
pMCP Ageing The aside figure shows: light below 220 nm have less than 10-4 detection efficiency Our Led λmin > 320 nm New proposition: software monitoring Follow up the integral of the profile Calibration wrt poorly hit cells (halo) to be less insensitive to MCP ageing and gain fluctuations This monitoring has be done with and without beam (beam off or integration gate shifted) Uniformity response (thanks to J. Pancin, Ganil, private discussion) During no beam period: feed MCP with a quite high HV thermionic electrons are emitted, preferentially from damaged locations Both solution may exhibit a similar behavior Provided by Hamamatsu Other possibilities Spark gap with low λ emission (<100nm), but requires low filter light (sapphire window) + space around reproducibility? Photodiode inside (AsGa) excited with visible light, but very low signal (+HV eventually) outgassing, low efficiency 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
IPHI tests Test at Iphi (Bruno Pottin) Installation in Iphi hall: week 35 (August 27th to 31st) Week 36: power supply tests hope to have time for beam tuning 4 weeks, 1 for each following topics Emittance 4D (A. Dumancic), NPM “Artificial intelligence” (N. Chauvin), BPMs for ESS Lund (ESS Bilbao) No priority defined up to now, but 1 team leader during a week and user during remaining time FPM: shielding pipe against bkgd Cyrille & Thomas G. Week leader: to work as low as possible for comparison to ESS and with the best beam conditioning Ask to be leader during the last week which should be the one with the best beam tuning Would be fine to have also X-profile tuning: welcome to FPM with low bkgd 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Test plan Sparking effect Increase the IPM cage HV in order to minimize the SC distortion at ESS electron/ion IPM cage polarization to work in both modes Improve the beam tuning, to reduce background Electric field uniformity Comsol results applied to IPHI test conditions show interesting behaviors Florian Check of the interferences between the 2 cages Few measurements to confirm the electric field uniformity Space Charge effect Analysis has been done showing the measured beam size evolution with applied HV Simulations are in progress to determine the SC contribution Francesca ESS extrapolation data To be improved for both read-outs 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Test beam: configuration
Not enough investigated during last beam test Strip (constant and Gaussian shape) with, but also without MCP without MCP for reliability test pMCP: test of Photonis to compare with Hamamatsu IPM measuring the dispersive (X) profile to have a better control on beam tuning Therefore, the foreseen installation should be: IPM_1 (upstream) Gaussian strips X profile measurement to help tuning (at least at the beginning!) May help also to sweep electron background for comparison with pMCP profile obtained on 2nd IPM IPM_2 (middle) Photonis pMCP IPM_3 (downstream) constant strips 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Future 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
High energy particle background
Background (no Linac4 since not ready), but James Storey et al. publication in IBIC2017 have seen transversal high energy particles Rate evaluation but at CPS (Cern Proton Synchrotron – up to 25 GeV) contact will be taken Question: how to extrapolate synchrotron to ESS bkgd? beam dynamics team? Rate evaluation was asked to Mamad team beginning It is still in his program but not yet scheduled! HV Off HV On 1 10 100 J. Storey at al., IBIC 2017 J. Storey at al., IBIC 2017 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Material properties Radiation hard CCD camera coherent optical fiber bundle Strips FEE (pre-amplifier) installed in the holders of the CM Outgassing Degraders resistors (soldering) or serigraphy (300µA) Validation outgassing RGA IPM support Low density and strong titanium (4.5g/cm3) for minimizing interaction with high particles background discussion with Vacuum group tomorrow 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
pMCP replacement Hypothesis: read-out final choice is pMCP+optics+CCD Reliability: pMCP is usually identified as the weakest point due to ageing effect and vacuum insertion Proposition First mounting: the entire assembly is inserted into the CF200 of the LWU Survey can be done using the optic sight To change the MCP: just remove the CF160 middle flange, using a N2 balloon for instance. Before to change it, a new CF160 may be equipped in a clean room and stored in a N2 atmosphere. Note: this system is identical for X and Y view; to switch X to Y, turn the CF160 by 180°! pMCP storage pot: either vacuum, either N2 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
pMCP replacement: IPMY
18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
pMCP replacement: IPMX
18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
pMCP replacement: both IPM
IPMY: shifted wrt CF200 axis 180° IPMX: shifted wrt CF200 axis 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
pMCP wrapping, sending & storing
Activities prior to send IPMs to Lund, Component assembling in clean room Clean room class level? IPM inserted in an airtight pot If Strip selected N2 or 10-2 mbar to stay clean? If pMCP selected 10-3 mbar for storage and for test (N2 for transport) A RGA measurement has to be done. What are the requirements in terms of outgassing molecules concentration? Transport: IPMs inserted in pots filled of N2 Once arrived at Lund: Mounting of pipes and vanes provided by us, Then, pumping to achieve the requested pressure Remark: if strips are chosen, the flange will be simplier! Scenarios and questions to be discussed tomorrow in detail with vacuum group 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
storage Pipes to connect all IPM pots through DN40 taps pumping system in Saclay, and later on at ESS Lund N2 filling pumping system N2 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Change request with Daresbury (1)
18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Change request with Daresbury (2)
Electric field uniformity & interferences Impose ground on both sides of IPMs TOP view cross-section SIDE view cross-section IPMX: centered wrt CF200 axis IPMY: shifted wrt CF200 axis free space for WS grounded disks 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
Change request with Daresbury (3)
Contact NPM & Paul Aden: letter sent by Cyrille on November 22nd 2017 Proposition sent to Paul on April 16th If 18/07/2018 Toward CDR - WM after Iphi Beam test
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