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Parents, The end of the school year is quickly approaching! To celebrate an awesome year of Kindergarten, we will celebrate with an ABC countdown! For.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents, The end of the school year is quickly approaching! To celebrate an awesome year of Kindergarten, we will celebrate with an ABC countdown! For."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents, The end of the school year is quickly approaching! To celebrate an awesome year of Kindergarten, we will celebrate with an ABC countdown! For the last 26 days of school, we will review our letters with a fun activity! Also, please let me know if you would like to send a class snack that correlates with one of our days. Thank you! Mrs. Darden 4/25 A- sing ALPHABET songs 5/14 N- make a NECKLACE with NOODLES 4/26 B- BACKWARD shirt day 5/15 O- OREO cookie day 4/29 C- sidewalk CHALK 5/16 P- Floor PUZZLES 4/30 D- have a DANCE party 5/17 Q- QUARTER Rubbings 5/1 E- EXTRA recess 5/20 R- RACES during RECESS 5/2 F- bring FAVORITE item for show-and-tell 5/21 S- wear your SUNGLASSES to school 5/3 G- play GAMES (Field Day) 5/22 T- TALENT Show is TODAY! Bring your favorite TEDDY Bear to school! 5/6 H- share what makes you HAPPY and give HUGS 5/23 U- do an activity UNDER the table 5/7 I- IMAX/Challenger Field Trip 5/24 V- Our VERY exciting end of the year celebration, water day & pizza lunch 5/8 J- do JUMPING JACKS 5/28 W- WATCH a movie day 5/9 K- KINDNESS Day- Practice being kind to others! 5/29 X- X-citing and Happy Un-Birthday (celebrating our summer birthdays) 5/10 L- LOLLIPOPS after LUNCH 5/30 Y- wear the color YELLOW 5/13 M- MUSIC fun 5/31 Z- The year is over, let’s ZOOM out of school!

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