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Chimacum District Facility & Program Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Chimacum District Facility & Program Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chimacum District Facility & Program Plan
For Fall 2019 Rick Thompson, Superintendent (360) Presented for first reading to School Board October 24, 2018

2 Background Steps -- Rationale for Change is Important
Declining enrollment for 20 years now accelerating Demographic Study 2017 MENG Facility Condition Report Fall 2017 NO Bond Revenue from 2015, (2) campaigns Capital Levy Revenue 2012 and 2018 tax measures passed

3 Additional Steps in Planning
Facility Master Plan ESD 112 Fall 2015 ESD 112 Safety and Security Plan Board Presentation February 2014 Fall/Winter 2017 Facility Committee

4 GOALS FOR FACILITIES -- Facility and Program Improvement go hand in hand
safety and security Reduce transitions for students Align with enrollment Reduce operational footprint Utilize highest spaces the public owns (CCP, CMS, CHS sites) Invest capital dollars effectively

5 Data used for Facility Planning -- Multiple Data Points
Demographic Study Alternative Programs in Washington Enrollment Projections Capacity Analysis Facility Condition Reports Functional Adequacy Technology Conditions Capital Levy Revenue Schedule State Funding Formulas Analysis of Infrastructure Staff Survey October 3 to 15 Leadership Team Review 2018

6 Facility Committee Recommendation: Reconfigure K-12 Operations
Mothball 35,000 square feet (current CES, Pi, and 3-8 library spaces – not programs) In four options analyzed by board Base decisions on enrollment Use MENG as road map Create long-range options

7 What is Mothballing? CES Pods have been closed before
No heat, no maintenance, no custodial – emergency repairs only Identified as Chimacum Elementary School (29,077 square feet),Rated 3.1, 1948 and upgrades Identified as 3-8 Library (6,312 square feet), Rated 3.5, 1968 CMS spaces in 1991 and 1999 rated superior to older CES spaces Keep parking and traffic flow

8 Chimacum Creek Primary
29,739 SF, Rated House Grades K-2 & Preschool Expand Early Childhood and Library Partnerships Alternate: Move Grade 3 to CCP with Portables Paint Exterior and Repair Sign September 2018 Enrollment is 176 Transition from 2 to 3 critical (literacy window) Improve Video Security Further Work with Supervision and Specialists Addition of Grade 3 possible if enrollment declines further.

9 Intermediate or Middle Grades
Options: 3-6, 3-7, 4-8 and 3-8 Current CMS 6-8 is 157 students September 2018 enrollment for grades 3-8 is 344 Currently empty wing at CMS (99 section) ready for instruction Supervision model reconfiguration Natural mentor model Name or program design change opportunity (i.e. STEM) Revise Common space for better use Deploy Multi Purpose Room Sensitive to child development

10 High School 77,186 SF Rated 2.6 1991 and 1999 construction
9-12 enrollment is 233 Content spaces, labs, woods, arts, horticulture, science, TEALS Empty rooms during the day 7-12 models exist (i.e. Klawhowya) CHS Library high use area Commons high use area, 3-12 breakfast Concerns over 7th and 8th graders with CHS Shared bathrooms likely if 7-12

11 ALE (Pi) PROGRAM Separate state funding model Located in CES with no clear school entrance Enrollment September 2018: K-6 = = 41 Total = 59 CMS Principal and Secretary administration for Pi Small staff and class size Need storage space Few discipline problems Special Education services provided Full Board Report in February

12 Advantages for Using all of CMS (reduce 35,000 SF)
Improving facilities more economical than remediating facilities Can house 3-5 wing and 6-8 wing at CMS site Large expenses can be expected at CES (what is known) CMS new roof, electrical, flooring, paint, technology CMS safer environment/internal hallways Natural mentor type program can emerge

13 Option B: Middle Grades 3-6 plus Pi, 238 students;
Based on Best Facility Spaces . . . The pivotal grade level configuration decision centers around middle grades Option B: Middle Grades 3-6 plus Pi, 238 students; CHS, 348 students Option A: Middle Grades 3-8, 344 students; CHS 9-12, 233 students with Pi 59

14 Superintendent Recommendation
No later than fall of 2019, I recommend the District grade and facility configuration to be: K-2 at CCP 3-8 at CMS site 9-12 and Pi at CHS

15 Recommend a closure process for 3-5 teachers and Pi staff
Recommend family walk-throughs Recommend Board discuss and take action (vote) on November 7, 2018

16 Support Spaces I recommend the District continue to utilize and improve (as budget allows) facilities for specialists, library, gym and multipurpose spaces. Examples Multipurpose Room 12,392 SF, 2.9 rated, 1952 Transportation Coop 7,950 SF, 3.9 rated 1981 (state match project) Maintenance Building 7,541 SF, 3.9 rated, 1957

17 Possible Future Capital Improvements
All Weather Track STEM Grant Opportunities Other Renovations

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