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The Most Dangerous Game

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1 The Most Dangerous Game
Vocabulary Week 3

2 1. indicate verb to be a sign of; to show; to pint out or point to

3 2. barbarous adjective uncivilized; wild; savagely cruel or harsh

4 3. quarry noun an animal or bird hunted or pursued; game, especially game hunted with hounds of hawks

5 4. invariably adverb always; without exception

6 5. braggart noun a person who does a lot of bragging; a bragger; a person who boasts loudly or exaggeratedly

7 6. illumination noun a source of light

8 7. wager verb to risk; to bet

9 8. stealthy adjective characterized by great caution or secrecy; sneaky

10 9. sallow adjective a sickly, yellowish color

11 10. excessively adverb overly; to a fault; too

12 11. venerable adjective impressive or interesting because of age; extremely old

13 12. diverting adjective entertaining; amusing; delight

14 13. foeman noun enemy; opposition

15 14. stamina noun power to endure physical fatigue or pain

16 15. sloop noun a single-masted sailing vessel

17 16. siesta noun a midday or afternoon rest or nap, especially as taken in Spain an Latin America

18 17. spurred (on) verb fired on; sparked; stimulated; urged; driven

19 18. futile adjective hopeless; pointless; to no purpose; unsatisfactory

20 19. muttered verb grumble; mumble; moan; complain

21 20. intricate adjective complicated; elaborate; complex; difficult

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