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E.A.Kravchenko on behalf Novosibirsk group

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Presentation on theme: "E.A.Kravchenko on behalf Novosibirsk group"— Presentation transcript:

1 E.A.Kravchenko on behalf Novosibirsk group
FARICH for Forward PID E.A.Kravchenko on behalf Novosibirsk group

2 Outline Multi layer aerogel production and characterization
FARICH optimization Status of work on test beam at Budker INP

3 Multilayer aerogel 100x100x41 mm, Lsc = 45 mm at 400 nm

4 Xray measurement, density distribution
The increase in density at the internal borders is the result of the production procedure (diffusion). Does it effect the performance? Layer <n> n, (optimal) n, (design) h, mm h, mm (design) 1 1.046 1.050 12.6 12.5 2 1.041 1.040 1.044 13.2 13.3 3 1.037 1.035 1.039 15.2 14.2

5 Monte Carlo simulation of longitudinal refractive index fluctuations
200 mm expansion gap 3 types of radiators 3layer as designed (ideal) Xray data avereged to 3 layers Xray data avereged to 14 layers

6 Simulation results, π/K separation
Npe =14 σβ = 5∙10-4 ‘optimal’ radiator → best resolution for 4 GeV/c pions ‘real’ experimental radiator → best resolution for 3.5 GeV/c kaons π/K separation up to 8 GeV/c (>3σ)

7 Layout of the FARICH in the SuperB detector-1

8 Layout of the FARICH in the SuperB detector-2

9 Proximity focusing RICH

10 4-layer focusing (MLA-4) Pixel size effect
Single photon resolution with zero pixel size: MLA-4: σr,1ph = 1.1 mm Resolution degradation, % pixel size, mm Nanodes number of channels 10 1.8 28x28 329280 20 2.5 20x20 168000 50 4.3 12x12 60480

11 Number of photoelectrons
Velocity resolution

12 Particle separation

13 FARICH momentum resolution

14 Status of test beam project at Novosibirsk
Work on MC simulation has started. But we are still at the very beginning. The project was discussed with VEPP-4M team and INP vice-director. It was suggested to use moving wire target to produce bremstrahlung gammas. The place was found. The design of this system has started. It will be mounted during KEDR detector stop for the repair.

15 Comparison of endcap FARICH and KEDR DC momentum resolution at 30° entrance angle

16 Velocity resolution with ‘ideal’ photon coordinate resolution

17 Particle separation with ‘ideal’ photon coordinate resolution

18 Single photon resolution with zero pixel size:
RICH with NaF radiator Single photon resolution with zero pixel size: NaF 14 mm thickness: σr,1ph = 14 mm Resolution degradation, % pixel size, mm Nanodes number of channels 10 25 2x2 1680

19 Number of photoelectrons with NaF radiator

20 Velocity resolution with NaF radiator

21 Particle separation with NaF radiator

22 RICH momentum resolution with NaF radiator

23 Forward FARICH and DIRC comparison

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