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The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew

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Presentation on theme: "The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew

2 Captain Kara’s Log -Day 1
Monday 20th April 2055 This is my first entry in the Captain’s log and I am proud to say that this is the first voyage of my magnificent ship, The Explorer. Up until quite recently The Explorer’s maiden expedition had been peaceful but today something extraordinary happened. I am still surprised at what a lucky escape we had! Kara has forgotten to write this bit. As a class, write the middle  The SMART crew’s advice was very useful and we decided to delete the message. Now we know that you should always be careful when accepting attachments in messages that you receive – we could have got a virus on the I NAV system!

3 Your Captain’s log structure Steal the best ideas and write your own captain’s log. The best one from each day will be made in to a book at the end of the week! 1) Introduce the date, the ship and the crew 2) What are you going to tell us about? 3) What happened first? 4) What happened next? Remember to give us lots of detailand describing words. 5) What happened in the end – did you learn anything?

4 Kara has forgotten to write this bit. As a class write the end.
Captain Kara’s log day 2 Tuesday 21st April 2050 This is my second entry to the Captain’s log and the maiden voyage of The Explorer is going well. The winds are strong and we are making good progress. Generally I am good with maps and I thought that I knew these seas well. Surprisingly today we almost made a massive mistake with our navigation. It all started when we tried to find out some information about Hoo-Ya Cove on the internet… First off we logged on and looked at what seemed to be useful information on a website by Fish Eye Flynn. To be honest the stories on this website scared the living daylights out of poor Cookie so we decided to do some more digging. Winston looked up some information on a real map written by the Islands Authority. The Islands Authority is a pretty trustworthy source of information and thank goodness the map said nothing about crazy penguins. I thought that we needed to be extra sure therefore we looked up one more website and we also asked the SMART crew . Kara has forgotten to write this bit. As a class write the end.

5 Your Captain’s log structure Steal the best ideas and write your own captain’s log. The best one from each day will be made in to a book at the end of the week! 1) Introduce the date, the ship and the crew 2) What are you going to tell us about? 3) What happened first? 4) What happened next? Remember to give us lots of detailand describing words 5) What happened in the end – did you learn anything?

6 Kara has forgotten to write this bit. As a class write the beginning.
Captain Kara’s log day 3 Wednesday 22nd April 2050 Kara has forgotten to write this bit. As a class write the beginning. Playing games in our comfortable ship is great fun. Normally Winston and I only play with people we know on our favourite online game. This time things were different! We were playing away quite happily – as a matter of fact Winston was winning. Usually Winston lets me win to keep him in my good books! Anyway, as we were playing, a clan request came up from a player called “Digzom Bones”. I had never heard of him and he was asking us lots of personal questions. I know that it’s important to keep personal information safe online but I did think that maybe Digzom Bones might be able to help us. I was hoping that he might know some cheats for games that we could use and I have to say that I was slightly tempted to share some information with him. I suppose that Winston and I are really lucky to be in contact with the SMART crew. They play games online a lot and they gave us some incredibly useful information. They warned us that some really untrustworthy people use the internet and that it’s incredibly important to keep information like and she’s left this bit out!

7 Your Captain’s log structure Steal the best ideas and write your own captain’s log. The best one from each day of the week will be made in to a book at the end of the week! 1) Introduce the date, the ship and the crew 2) What are you going to tell us about? 3) What happened first? 4) What happened next? Remember to give us lots of detailand describing words 5) What happened in the end – did you learn anything?

8 Captain Kara’s log day 4 Thursday 23rd April 2050 This is my 4th day of writing the Captain’s log for The Explorer, a high tech galleon sailing the seven seas. After a night of fish and chips and a few good games I was looking forward to a great day. I have to say that things didn’t go as I had planned. Things got so serious that we had to get the Admiral involved. HOT SEAT – who would like to play Kara? Tell us how the cyberbullying made you feel.

9 Your Captain’s log structure Steal the best ideas and write your own captain’s log. The best one from each day of the week will be made in to a book at the end of the week! 1) Introduce the date, the ship and the crew 2) What are you going to tell us about? 3) What happened first? 4) What happened next? Remember to give us lots of detailand describing words 5) What happened in the end – did you learn anything?

10 Captain Kara’s log day 4 Friday 24th April 2050 This is my 5th day of writing the Captain’s log for The Explorer. The weather is good and our progress across the seas is excellent. Today was set to be an extremely exciting one. The crew of a number of ships were going to gather together and seek treasure. I had really been looking forward to this and now I think that maybe my excitement made me not think carefully about what I was doing online! Kara hasn’t written this bit. As a class write the middle and last section.

11 Your Captain’s log structure Steal the best ideas and write your own captain’s log. The best one from each day of the week will be made in to a book at the end of the week! 1) Introduce the date, the ship and the crew 2) What are you going to tell us about? 3) What happened first? 4) What happened next? Remember to give us lots of detailand describing words 5) What happened in the end – did you learn anything?

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