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EuroPean Background U.S. History.

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Presentation on theme: "EuroPean Background U.S. History."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuroPean Background U.S. History

2 Influence of Western Civilization
Characteristics of a civilization Written Communication Peace and order over a large area Common/agreed upon means for settling disputes & interacting (Hammurabi, 12 Tables) Economic base that promotes trade Classical Heritage Golden Age of Greece-Philosophers observed order exists in the universe is not man made Roman Republic-Natural Law- Law of Nature can be discovered through logical human reasoning Renaissance-Emphasis on importance of intellectual development, excellence in artistic expression, and relationship between trade and wealth.

3 In the ancient & medieval world: City- states/kingdoms/empires
Essential features of nation-states Independent of other nations All power & authority exercised within its boundaries are contained within the nation No outside power has legal authority Rise of Nation-States

4 Age of Discovery (15th-16th Century)
Europeans discover North & South America. Renaissance era had reawakened interest in learning 15th century technical developments Better tools for determining directions Bigger, better ships Printing press; books about explorer’s discoveries fascinated people International trade provided greater incentive for longer voyages Consolidation of kingdoms into nation-states made more wealth available to fund exploration Age of Discovery (15th-16th Century)

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