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Mrs. (& Mr.) Wellington- Advisor

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1 Mrs. (& Mr.) Wellington- Advisor
NHS Meeting 11/7/16 Mrs. (& Mr.) Wellington- Advisor NHS Officers: Olivia Sterns (P), Erin Gawlak (VP), Dana Bender (S) & Johanna Burke/Tucker Reynolds (T)

2 NHS $5 dues were collected last Spring. A couple dozen of you still owe. (Please see Mrs W.) Dues are used for Chapter Membership,ceremony supplies,etc. Applebee’s was a success! Our club was able to donate $400 to the Thanksgiving Drive and shave off about $50/each on Disney trip! Thank you all for your support! Deck the Halls: NHS has the first floor ramp. Pre- planning meeting needs to happen ASAP… Many members are needed to contribute time and talent. .

3 Community Service is an obligation for NHS members to stay in good standing. Each member should contribute at least 10 hours throughout the school year. Service opportunities available: 2016 Graduation (2hrs) Open House (2hrs) Freshman Orientation (2hrs) Mr. Gang’s Halloween Movie Night (2hrs) Leaf Raking (~2hrs, but may vary) Thursday Tutor (will vary) DAWGS (will vary) Thanksgiving Drive help (will vary) Town Beach Clean-Up (spring’ 17 ~4 hrs) Etc… Please document your time spent and have corresponding advisor ‘sign-off’ on your time. Turn in your time/activity to Mrs. Wellington as you complete hours.

4 Upcoming Events: Christmas Carolling…long standing NHS tradition (1-1 1/2hrs max) Pick some songs and have copies made... Pick a night… Pick a meeting spot… Divide into at least 2-4 groups… Decide on streets covered for each group… Meet back at ? (Tim Horton’s) for hot chocolate and snack

5 Planning Meeting on Wednesday Nov 16th in room 151
Be listening for announcements & checking your Remind app for the following NHS meetings: Deck the Halls: Planning Meeting on Wednesday Nov 16th in room 151 Theme, supplies needed, go over contest rules, etc will be discussed All interested in helping please attend! We will need people… :) Disney Trip : Pre Planning Meeting #1 → Wednesday Nov 16th at 2:30pm in room 151 Room Assignments, Final cost (minus fundraiser $), etc. will be discussed If you are going to Disney, you must attend... Next General Meeting: early January 2017… Chapter Service Project, Induction Ceremony,Teacher Appreciation etc are some of the items to be discussed.

6 Questions, comments, concerns? Thank you for coming today!

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