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Implementing the Early Years

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Early Years"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Early Years
Framework in a challenging financial climate – using a Life Stages outcomes based approach

2 The vision.. The Life Stages outcomes planning programme will enable a significant positive change to happen to those individuals, families and communities in most need. By 2011, the Life Stages outcomes will be a major part of our Single Outcome Agreement, ensuring that West Lothian Community Planning Partnership is prioritising prevention and targeting services for maximum impact to the entire community of West Lothian.

3 And the objectives.. 1. Reducing inequalities by targeting those most at risk 2. Shifting resources ‘upstream’ and reinforcing a prevention approach 3. Ensuring maximum impact from expenditure




7 What do we know Lessons from the Total Place review tell us that
our concept of services being built around the customer rather than around the silo organisations that deliver them is right That having an outcomes focus will improve services and reduce overlap & costs But there are still challenges in how government silos still reinforce the barriers..

8 We also know.... Improved life chances needs a mix of interventions
We will move resources to focus on prevention rather than dealing with problems after they have emerged. Our model recognises that those who are most at risk often lead complex and chaotic lives Investing in our children and families NOW will bring long term benefits.

9 Focusing on early years..
‘all the problems in this society are adult problems and the solution is with children’ Prof. Colwyn Trevarthen, Professor of Child Psychology & Psychobiology at the University of Edinburgh

10 Focusing on Early Years..
The changes we make now using evidenced based interventions and an outcomes focused approach seek to have a positive impact on our most vulnerable NOW but we also aim to secure benefits on a long-term basis and track these changes on an intergenerational basis.  Within the LIFE STAGES approach we have focused on children, young people and their families because we know that if we can improve the effectiveness of services for these groups then we can start to address cycles of behaviour, poverty and deprivation that drain our society and devastate lives.

11 So what are we doing.. Evidencing the culture shift – change is happening, we are understanding outcomes better, being more preventative, joining up and working together.. Some practical examples – daisy drop in, community safety unit, SLDR improving, Improving the Support, reviewing the assessment

12 Critical factors.. Understanding the links and joining the dots..
Outcomes are everyone’s business If not now then when? Complex problems need simple solutions.. Need to be working closely with Scottish Government to break down the barriers..


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