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The New Electronic Distribution Form

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Presentation on theme: "The New Electronic Distribution Form"— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Electronic Distribution Form
Tina R. Fulton Administrative Systems Instruction and Development GA/GL

2 Presentation Outline Current Features New Features Form Demo
Locating Primary Recipients and their Electronic Distributions Adding Secondary Recipients Copying Criteria End-dating Criteria Removing End Dates Running Reports

3 Presentation Outline Additional Information Questions
Criteria Maintenance Changing Primary Recipients Go-live Date Training Dates Questions

4 Electronic Distributions: Terminology
The electronic burst of monthly account statements to user worklists Primary Recipient The Deliver-to Person and Award Manager for GL and GA Account Strings Secondary Recipient A user assigned by the Primary Recipient to receive an electronic distribution of Account Statements/Reports Criteria Account Strings for which reports are burst to the Primary and Secondary Recipients End-dated The state in which Electronic Distributions for a specific Secondary Recipient or specific Criteria have been terminated Manual Copy (or Manual End-date) The process by which individual criteria is added or end-dated by keying directly into the form

5 Current Features: What Stays the Same
Update Capability- Primary Recipients Only Copy Options Manual Copy Copy by Organization Copy All End-dating Options Manual End-date End Date All (specified Secondary Recipient) End Date All (all Secondary Recipients) Report Option

6 New Features Inquiry-Only View available More Reports Available
Report Groups Grouping of account statements/reports that are related or used in conjunction with one another Additional Copy Option By Project Criteria Maintenance Copy by Org, Project, or All End-dates Viewable on-screen Future dates allowed Removable Report Options View distributions for Primary Recipients Available to all users Criteria Maintenance Applicable to Copy by Org and Copy by All setups New account strings that fall within selected parameters will automatically be added to the criteria list when set up

7 Locating and Adding Electronic Distributions
Information Needed Primary Recipient Report Group Can Included End-dated distributions

8 Copying Criteria Copy Options By Account (Manual) By Organization
By Copy All By Project

9 End-dating Criteria End-dating Options By Account (Manual)
By Secondary Recipient By End-date All

10 Removing End-dates Secondary Recipients can only be added to an Electronic Distribution once Remove at least one End-Date to make updates Select Include End-dated Records to retrieve Options By Criteria (Manual) By Secondary Recipient

11 Running Reports Options Notifications Recipient Report Group
Primary-Only By Primary Recipient for specified Secondary Recipient By Primary Recipient for all Secondary Recipients Report Group Notifications Notification Personal Worklist Notification Link accessible only once

12 Additional Information- What will happen at Go-live?
Go-live date: June 18th, 2007 Secondary Recipients already in system Converted to new form Setup Type: Manual Activate the Criteria Maintenance Feature End-date Manual setups Use Copy All, Copy by Org, or Copy by Project Option

13 Additional Information
Changing Primary Recipients The preceding Primary Recipient will be end-dated, and the Secondary Recipients will be placed under the new Primary Recipient when the maintenance routines are run

14 Additional Information
Training Opportunities Presentation Schedule Monday, June 11th and Tuesday, June 12th Volker Hall Room E 1:00-3:00 PM Monday, June 18th West Pavilion Boardroom 9:00-11:00 AM Online Instruction Presentation also available OATRAIN

15 Additional Information
Instructor-Led CLinics Every Tuesday AB B60 Computer Lab 2:00-3:30 PM Ask-IT Call Extension:

16 Questions?

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