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מחלת אלצהיימר: עבר, הווה ועתיד

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Presentation on theme: "מחלת אלצהיימר: עבר, הווה ועתיד"— Presentation transcript:

1 מחלת אלצהיימר: עבר, הווה ועתיד
פרופ' עמוס קורצ'ין יו"ר המועצה המדעית עמדא 1 1

2 Most common causes of dementia
Alzheimer’s diseases Vascular dementias Frontotemporal dementias Synuclein dementias 2 2

3 Alzheimer’s disease A clinico-pathological entity of progressive dementia with specific neuropathological changes. It is a complex problem!

4 Looking for the magic bullet:
Complex problems have many simple solutions, all of which are wrong. Cholinergic loss Trophic factors loss Aluminum toxicity Calcium excitotoxicity Oxidative stress Glutamate toxicity Tau hyperphosphorylation Amyloid toxicity 4 4

5 The past

6 Alzheimer’s Disease: History
Presenile dementia versus “cerebral arteriosclerosis” Alois Alzheimer 6 6

7 ITG β-amyloid IHC 80 µm cerebellum β-amyloid IHC 200 µm

8 The simple solutions are based on incorrect assumptions


10 Drug giants give up on Alzheimer's cure
The INDEPENDENT Drug giants give up on Alzheimer's cure Research too difficult and costly, say pharmaceutical companies Jeremy Laurance Wednesday, 19 September 2012

11 Spectacular failure over 20+ years!!!

12 The present

13 Characteristic histologic changes define Alzheimer’s disease
Incorrect assumption: Characteristic histologic changes define Alzheimer’s disease Neuritic plaques Neurofibrillary tangles Are we losing the big picture?

14 14

15 What about cell loss? Synaptic degeneration? White matter lesions?

16 (Almost) all dementia is mixed dementia
16 16

17 The future

18 Sporadic AD, a multifactorial disease
A complex progressive neurodegenerative disorder Caused by a heterogeneous combination of environmental and genetic factors Because of its complexity and etiological heterogeneity it is not a “disease” in the classical sense

19 Extrinsic Causes Intrinsic Causes Senile dementia
19 19

20 What needs to be done?

21 Identify the vulnerable
First and foremost: Treat risk factors! Identify the vulnerable

22 Established risk factors for senile dementia
Age Female sex Low level of education Severe head trauma Depression APOE ε4

23 Vascular risk factors for senile dementia
Hypertension Atherosclerosis Diabetes mellitus Smoking Hyperhomocysteinemia Dyslipidemia Physical inactivity 23 23 23

24 Importance of cognitive reserve
Life style factors Intellectual stimulation Preventing social isolation 24 24

25 Negelected risk factors
Hypotension Sleep apnea Hearing loss Stress 25 25

26 Advanced directives

27 We need to look after the victims!

28 Who is responsible? Who will take care?

29 Can we trust the government?

30 Role of the civil society

31 Protect the caregivers
Implementation of the national program Execute prevention program Enhance social engagement Protect the caregivers

32 Thank you for your attention

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