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RF430CL330H Wake from Field Detection

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1 RF430CL330H Wake from Field Detection
With the introduction of the TRF7960 & TRF7961, TI has introduced to the market two HF RFiD readers with of the highest level of integration. Both parts the same package, pin out and communications interface allowing customers to address multiple markets by reusing the same hardware. All they have to do is decide which reader IC is needed and update the firmware at the time of manufacturing. 5/8/2019

2 Typical RF430CL330H operation
Sleep current is ~10uA. When RF is enabled, current consumption is 40uA. Some applications only require infrequent communication with the tag and may be battery powered. 5/8/2019

3 Wake up Circuit Vcore pin on RF430CL330H will raise to 1.5V when field is presented which turns on the transistor. NPN transistor acts as switch to provide active low interrupt to host controller when 13.56MHz RF field is detected. This interrupt will trigger the host controller to provide power via GPIO connected to VCC and initialize the RF430CL330H. RF430CL330H only requires power when a reader has been detected in close proximity. Wake up circuit is implemented on RF430CL330HTB board, but not populated. 5/8/2019

4 Flow Diagram of Wake up 5/8/2019

5 How to run demo *Requires RF430CL330HTB and MSP-EXP430FR5739 boards.
Load the updated firmware to the MSP-EXP430FR5739 board. Connect the RF430CL330HTB with the hardware modifications. Plug in USB to apply power. Present NFC phone to the RF430CL330HTB antenna. When RF field is detected, LED5 will illuminate. Power and Initialization sequence then occurs. NFC phone will now read the “Hello, World!” message. RF430CL330H will stay active with RF enabled for a specified time out period (~3s). *Requires RF430CL330HTB and MSP-EXP430FR5739 boards. Remove R9 on the RF430CL330HTB to disconnect power being supplied to the RF430CL330H. Remove R12 to prevent back powering. Add Q1. This can be general purpose NPN such as 3904. Add R10 and R11. 5/8/2019

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