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for the Cancer and Leukemia Group B

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1 for the Cancer and Leukemia Group B
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized phase III trial of gemcitabine plus bevacizumab versus gemcitabine plus placebo in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: A preliminary analysis of CALGB 80303 Hedy Lee Kindler, Donna Niedzwiecki, Donna Hollis, Ebele Oraefo, Deborah Schrag, Herbert Hurwitz, Howard McLeod, Mary Mulcahy, Richard Schilsky, and Richard Goldberg for the Cancer and Leukemia Group B

2 Chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer
Gemcitabine Cornerstone of treatment Response rates 5-10% Median survival 5-6 months Many gemcitabine doublets ‘Promising activity’ in phase II studies No survival benefit in phase III trials Phase III trial: Gemcitabine + erlotinib Modest improvement in overall survival

3 Vascular endothelial growth factor: A key role in pancreatic cancer biology
VEGF Over-expressed in PC Inhibition of VEGF Suppresses PC growth in preclinical models High VEGF expression Correlates with advanced stage and decreased survival

4 Gemcitabine + bevacizumab in advanced pancreatic cancer
Monoclonal antibody to VEGF Phase II trial: Gemcitabine + bevacizumab1 52 patients with stage IV PC Partial response rate: 21% Median survival: 8.8 months 1-year survival: 29% 1Kindler et al, JCO 23: , 2005

5 Advanced pancreatic cancer
CALGB Trial design R A N D O M I Z E Gemcitabine Bevacizumab Advanced pancreatic cancer N=590 Gemcitabine Placebo Stratification: Performance status: 0/1 vs. 2 Extent of disease: metastatic vs. locally advanced Prior radiation: yes/no

6 Statistics 90% power to detect a 35% increase in median overall survival from 6.0 to 8.1 months (2 sided logrank  =0.05) Toxicity monitoring for bleeding, proteinuria, HTN, and thrombosis Five planned interim analyses for the primary endpoint of overall survival (3 during accrual, 2 during follow-up)

7 CALGB 80303: Endpoints Primary Endpoint: Overall survival
Secondary Endpoints: Objective response rate Duration of response Progression-free survival Toxicity

8 Three companion studies to CALGB 80303
Clinical Economics/Quality of Life Presented at ASCO 2007: Oral Session: Patient and Survivor Care Abstract #9008  D. Romanus, et al: Does health-related quality of life improve for pts who respond to chemotherapy? Analysis of pts with advanced pancreas cancer receiving gemcitabine on CALGB study 80303 Poster discussion: Upper GI Cancer Abstract #4524 D. Schrag, et al: A patterns-of-care study of post-progression treatment among patients with advanced pancreas cancer after gemcitabine therapy on CALGB study 80303 Angiogenesis biomarker study Pharmacogenomic predictors of outcome Will be reported at a later date

9 Eligibility-1 Histologically/cytologically confirmed unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma No prior chemotherapy for metastatic disease > 4 weeks from adjuvant chemo or radiation No prior gemcitabine, bevacizumab, or other VEGF inhibitor ECOG PS 0-2 Adequate hematologic, hepatic, renal function, <1+ proteinuria

10 Eligibility-2 No documented invasion of adjacent organs
No recent invasive surgical procedures Surgery >28 days, FNA >7 days No significant bleeding episodes in prior 6 months, no esophageal varices Anticoagulants permitted, on a stable therapeutic dose No clinically significant cardiovascular disease Written informed consent

11 CT scans: obtained every 2 cycles
CALGB 80303: Treatment R A N D O M I Z T Gemcitabine mg/m2 D 1, 8, 15 Bevacizumab 10 mg/kg D 1, 15 Gemcitabine mg/m² D 1, 8, 15 Placebo D 1, 15 1 cycle = 28 days CT scans: obtained every 2 cycles

12 CALGB 80303: Trial progress Activated: June 30, 2004
Enrollment completed: April 14, 2006 Final accrual: 602 patients Contributors: CALGB, ECOG, CTSU Study unblinded: June 26, 2006 Current analysis database frozen: May 7, 2007 Number of events (deaths) observed: 500 (>100% of the total expected deaths at planned final analysis)

13 Release of study data on CALGB 80303
Based on a protocol-specified interim analysis, with 64% of information on overall survival, the CALGB Data Safety Monitoring Board released study data in June 2006 because a futility boundary was crossed The DSMB felt that it was unlikely that there would be significant differences in overall survival between treatment arms with further follow-up All patients on treatment were unblinded and notified of these results Patients thought to benefit from bevacizumab could continue it with informed consent

14 Patient characteristics
Gemcitabine Bevacizumab N=302 Placebo N=300 Median age (years) 63.8 65.0 Male Female 58% 42% 51% 49% Performance status 1 2 36% 53% 11% 39% 52% 9% Locally advanced Metastatic 15% 85% 16% 84% Prior radiation

15 Total mg/m2 Gemcitabine received
CALGB 80303: Dose Delivery GB GP P Mean # cycles delivered 3.9 3.2 0.02 Total mg/m2 Gemcitabine received 9577 8633 0.15

16 CALGB 80303: Grade ¾ toxicity
N=277 GP N=263 P Neutropenia 33% 29% 0.35 Anemia 5% 8% 0.22 Thrombocytopenia 12% 1.0 CVA 2% GI Bleeding 3% 0.58 Hypertension 0.0013 Visceral perforation 0.4% 0% Proteinuria 1% 0.01 Venous thrombosis 9%

17 CALGB 80303: Objective Response
Gemcitabine Bevacizumab Placebo Complete Response 1% 2% Partial 10% 8% Stable Disease 36% 31% Disease control: CR + PR + SD 47% 40%

18 Progression-free survival
CALGB 80303: Survival GB GP P HR Median overall survival (95% CI) 5.8 months (5.0, 6.7) 6.1 (5.0, 7.1) 0.78 1.03 Progression-free survival 4.9 (4.4, 5.8) 4.7 (3.9, 5.8) 0.99 1.0 1-yr survival 18% (14, 23) 20% (16, 26)

19 CALGB 80303: Progression-Free Survival by Treatment Arm
Bevacizumab 4.9 mo Placebo mo HR = 1.00 P = HR=1.00 p=0.99

20 CALGB 80303: Overall Survival by Treatment Arm
Bevacizumab 5.8 mo Placebo mo HR = 1.03 P =

21 CALGB 80303: Overall Survival by Disease Stage
Metastatic mo Locally advanced mo HR = 1.4 P =

22 CALGB 80303: Overall Survival by Performance Status
PS 0: mo PS 1: mo PS 2: mo P = p=0.0001

23 Patient characteristics in phase II and III trials of gemcitabine + bevacizumab
GB N=302 GP N=300 Phase II GB N=52 Median age 63.8 65.0 63.0 Male 58% 51% 52% PS 1 2 36% 53% 11% 39% 9% 60% 38% 2% Metastatic 85% 84% 100% Adjuvant tx 23% Previous thrombosis permitted excluded

24 CALGB 80303: Conclusions The addition of bevacizumab to gemcitabine does not improve survival in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer The distribution of patients with good prognostic factors likely accounts for differences between CALGB and the prior phase II trial, and confirms the need for randomized trials in this disease It is anticipated that the companion studies of angiogenesis biomarkers, pharmacogenomics, and clinical economics/quality of life will provide additional insights into the biology and clinical management of advanced pancreatic cancer

25 Acknowledgments The patients who participated in this study
CALGB Statistical Center and Central Office: Donna Niedzwiecki, Donna Hollis, Ebele Oraefo, Susan Sutherland, Sarah Duggan National Cancer Institute: Margaret Mooney, Helen Chen Genentech: Eric Hedrick, Robert Mass The many CALGB, ECOG, and CTSU investigators, nurses, and data managers who enrolled and took care of the patients on this trial

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