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National Bureau of Statistics, China

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1 Session 7 - country presentation by Chinadfddddddddddd Population Census Topics
National Bureau of Statistics, China United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June, 2018

2 Outlines Introduction Topic selection plans for 2020 Population Census
Main factors determining the selection of topics Population Census Topics in 2020(preliminary) Items in Census Questionnaire in 2020(preliminary)

3 Introduction The Population Census of China is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on National Population Census Population census shall be conducted every ten years, in the year ending with zero, while the reference time of the census shall be the zero hour of the first day of November of the Census Year. The latest census was carried out in 2010, and China’s seventh population census will be conducted in 2020

4 Cont’d… Sequence Year Questionnaire Topics Household Individual First
1953 General Form 1 5 Second 1964 8 Third 1982 6 13 Fourth 1990 15 Fifth 2000 Short Form 10 9 Long Form 23 26 Sixth 2010 12 17 28 Foreigners Form 11  . Rapid economic and social development, more information are required(government policy making and research activities) Need to reduce respondents’ burden, less survey questions is more feasible Art of balance, amount of questionnaire items remains stable in recent two censuses, but increased in long run

5 Topic selection plans for 2020 Population Census
Consultation with specialists in different subjects Consultations with key government departments and agencies, such as Ministry of civil affairs, National Health Commission, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of education, etc. Advice from professional advisory committees in major subject matter areas, professors form colleges and universities Draft modification with the advises Topic selection varies among long form and short form The plan is to make the short form really short, focusing only on basic demographic characteristics of population, while information on most economic and social characteristics will be obtained through the long form a sample of population, to improve response rate and data quality. Long form provides more detailed topics.

6 Main factors determining the selection of topics 1
National priority The needs of the broad range of data users in the country at both the national and local area level Priority on internal migration than international migration International comparability Achievement of the maximum degree of international comparability, both within regions and on a worldwide basis Similar topic selection with previous population censuses Considering the new international trends

7 Main factors determining the selection of topics 2
Suitability Sensitivity of topics and respondent's burden, that is, the willingness and ability of the public to give accurate information on the topics. Technical competence of the enumerators in regard to obtaining information on the topic Alternative sources Availability of relevant information held in alternative data sources Disability information, China Disabled Persons’ Federation and Ministry of Civil Affairs have part of data of administrative records about the disabled population

8 Population Census Topics in 2020(preliminary)
Plan Little changes, similar topics as 2010 Population Census ID card no. will be added(breakthrough) Separate foreign questionnaire These included the following as were divided into 7 section: Household and family characteristics(including two house information, house area and no. of rooms) Demographic and social characteristics(household register system related item(Hukou system) is removed because of the reform of household registration system 2014) Geographic and internal migration Fertility and mortality Education for persons aged 6 years and above Economic activity for persons aged 15 years and above Heath status for persons aged 60 years and above

9 Items in Census Questionnaire in 2020(preliminary)
The questionnaires comprise two forms - short form(90% of the households) and long form(10% of the households). Short form:6 household items and 12 individual items (10 minutes/hh) Household questions: household type(family or collective(student dorm or construction dorm)), no. of persons living in the house in reference time, births and deaths by sex during previous year, how large is the construction and how many rooms of the house Individual questions: demographic and social characters(6 items, ID no. new to add), geographic and internal migration characters(4 items), literacy and education characters(2 items, available for 6+ persons) Name, ID, gender, age, nationality, address, place of household registration, educational attainment, etc.

10 Cont’d Long form: 17 household items and 29 individual items (25-30 minutes/hh) Household questions: household type, no. of persons living in the house in reference time, births and deaths by sex during previous year, how large is the construction and how many rooms of the house Individual questions: demographic and social characters, geographic and internal migration characters( identical to short form, 13 items, ID no. new to add, everyone), usual residency 5 years ago(1 item, 5+ persons), literacy and education characters(3 items), employment and marriage status(9 items, 15+ persons), fertility status(3 items, specific childbearing age women), health status(1 item, 60+ persons, aging society, enhancing in 2020) Employment, industry, occupation, migration, social security, marriage, fertility, mortality, Health Status for Respondents Aged 60, housing and facilities, and above etc.


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