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Project Nexus Workgroup

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1 Project Nexus Workgroup
Retro-Updates Scenario 7th February 2012 08/05/2019

2 Scenario: Meter Asset Exchange
Either missed or incorrect Previous Shipper Current Shipper Change of Shipper Meter Exchange read read read read read read Current Shipper updates details of exchange or loads meter exchange retrospectively during previous Shipper’s ownership. (Note: No impact to previous Shippers charges) Issue: what happens to the reads/consumptions already loaded?

3 Scenario 1 The consumptions derived from reads & asset data following the asset update are now incorrect e.g. due to metric/imperial indicator. either Shipper identifies they are incorrect or, following update, system identifies they are possibly incorrect (based on AQ) Issues/Questions What happens to the current Shipper reads; must these be flagged as invalid for the purposes of AQ review? What happens to the previous Shipper reads; must these be flagged as invalid for the purposes of AQ review? If the reads are flagged as ‘invalid’ a new recent read must be loaded to carry out reconciliation & AQ review. Should the transfer read also be replaced? If so previous Shipper must agree to the replaced transfer read

4 Scenario 2 Any retro updates to information affecting consumption derived from the reads and asset data are assumed to invalidate all subsequent reads e.g. metric to imperial Issues/Questions; What happens to the current Shipper reads; must these be flagged as invalid for the purposes of AQ review? What happens to the previous Shipper reads; must these be flagged as invalid for the purposes of AQ review? If the reads are flagged as ‘invalid’ a new recent read must be loaded to carry out reconciliation & AQ review. Should the transfer read also be replaced? If so previous Shipper must agree to the replaced transfer read

5 Scenario 3 All consumptions derived from reads and asset data following asset update are correct because they are estimated reads or the update does not affect consumptions e.g. meter location or serial number. Issues/Questions; No need to replace reads. When a new read is loaded by current Shipper, reconciliation & AQ review carried out using existing consumptions/reads How does the Shipper determine that the consumptions are not affected?

6 Options: No validation on update
May cause incorrect reconciliations & AQ’s (could be for upto 36 months for AQ) Re-calculate all new consumptions (from date of update or ownership?) on existing reads following asset update– reject where any fail validation. Validations applied would be ‘Market Breaker’. Re-calculate all new consumptions (from date of update or ownership?) and notify current Shipper of reads that would have failed, but load re-calculated consumptions anyway. Will require option to suspend reconciliation charge if charge fails a reconciliation tolerance (to be agreed) Current Shipper must replace reads at the same time as asset update, regardless of update. Update will fail if reads are not replaced. Previous Shipper reads?

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