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The Sermon on the Mount.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sermon on the Mount."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sermon on the Mount

2 The Sermon on the Mount Context
Ch The Sermon on the Mount, or the Kingdom-Life Discourse, unpacks what it means for us, as Jesus’ disciples, to live out a radical kingdom life in our everyday world. (Kingdom-life disciples).

3 The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7:1-6 Explained

4 The Sermon on the Mount Review:
-Jesus exhorts His disciples not to judge others so as to be judged by them. -He clarifies that in the same manner that the believer judges other believers, the other believer will judge them.

5 The Sermon on the Mount Review:
-He rhetorically asks why, as a believer, a person casts judgment about a small issue when they personally have a large sin issue within themselves. - Jesus urges His followers to first take care of their own sin issue and then will be in a position to help other believers with theirs.

6 The Sermon on the Mount Review—
Jesus turns His attention to the believer passing judgment of sin toward the unbeliever (whom He refers to metaphorically as “dogs” and “swine”. -Jesus says judging the sin of the unbeliever is like casing pearls before swine or giving things that are holy to dogs.

7 The Sermon on the Mount Review-
-In other words, they are incapable of appreciating it and it will not be received at all.

8 Take Away Civility

9 Daily Quiet Time Consider the way that we assess others. Are we “judgmental” or is our goal to lovingly correct believers under our care and win the lost by our loving behavior?

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