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EM based Multiuser detection in Fading Multipath Environments

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Presentation on theme: "EM based Multiuser detection in Fading Multipath Environments"— Presentation transcript:

1 EM based Multiuser detection in Fading Multipath Environments
Mohammad Jaber Borran, Željko akareski, Ahmad Khoshnevis, and Vishwas Sundaramurthy

2 Outline Motivation Time-frequency representation Channel modeling
a brief overview of Sprite; prior work that motivated our cache design; the basic structure of the Sprite caches;

3 Outline (continued) Expectation Maximization algorithm
EM algorithm based detector Performance comparison Conclusions and future work a brief overview of Sprite; prior work that motivated our cache design; the basic structure of the Sprite caches;

4 Environment Multipath Noise MAI Fading

5 Time-Frequency Representation What is TFR?
A 2-D signal representation Facilitates signaling by exploiting multipath and Doppler Identifies Doppler as another dimension for diversity

6 Canonical Coordinates
Tc 1/T Multipath Doppler M -M t Canonical basis corresponding to the uniform grid L

7 Channel Modeling Requirements
Multipath environment Independent paths Rayleigh fast fading

8 Channel Modeling Our approach
Jakes’ model for individual paths Independence assured by having: Spacing >> Tcoh ( ~ ) Random delays for different multipath components Canonical representation

9 Channel Modeling Characterization
Linear time-varying system n(t) s(t) x(t) r(t) + h(t, ) Represented by its impulse response h(t, )

10 Channel Modeling Characterization
The output r(t) determined as : Incorporate the canonical model into h(t, )

11 Channel Modeling Characterization
Spreading function H(, ) Canonical finite-dimensional representation : where

12 Channel Modeling Characterization
Bandlimited approximation of H(, ) In our case

13 Channel Modeling Characterization
where Ei(t) : Jakes’ model rep. for path i

14 EM Algorithm Introduction
Goal: K-dim problem, direct approach is difficult. Define complete data, i.e. y, such that

15 EM Algorithm Introduction (cnt’d)
and Since y is unavailable, b is unknown,

16 EM Algorithm Iterative Nature, Decomposition
Provides an iterative method for ML estimation: E step: Compute U(b,b(n)) M step: K 1-dim problems (with suitable complete data) The value of b(0) is important.

17 New Multiuser Detection Scheme Complete Data
The log-likelihood function Define complete data, y(t) = (y1(t), …, yK(t)), as

18 New Multiuser Detection Scheme Iterative Expression, Special Cases
Defining Assuming bk=1  Multistage bk=0  Time-Frequency RAKE receiver

19 New Multiuser Detection Scheme Block Diagram
b(n-1) b(n) sgn I-b sgn ... I-b sgn + + b b ... TF RAKE + MRC MAI Estimation & Cancellation ... MAI Estimation & Cancellation r(t) HHz

20 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=100Hz, 5 users, User 4)

21 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=100Hz, 5 users, User 3)

22 Conclusion Canonical representation + EM algorithm 
New Detector for Fast Fading Multipath Env. Two special cases: TF RAKE and MultiStage Outperforms TF RAKE and MultiStage For rapid convergence use appropriate bk

23 Future work Theoretical error probability analysis
Near-Far resistance analysis Optimum value for bk Extension to asynchronous case

24 That’s all Folks!

25 Signal model Cross correlation matrix where

26 New Multiuser Detection Scheme Expectation Calculation Step
The new log-likelihood function It can be shown that

27 Canonical RAKE The coordinates for each symbol of a particular user are computed by:

28 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=100Hz, 5 users, User 1)

29 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=100Hz, 5 users, User 2)

30 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=100Hz, 5 users, User 5)

31 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=200Hz, 5 users, User 1)

32 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=200Hz, 5 users, User 2)

33 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=200Hz, 5 users, User 3)

34 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=200Hz, 5 users, User 4)

35 Simulation Results (3 paths, Bd=200Hz, 5 users, User 5)

36 Channel Modeling Visualization of

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