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Multicolor study of the interacting galaxies of Leo Triplet

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1 Multicolor study of the interacting galaxies of Leo Triplet
Zhiyu Duan 8/12/2005

2 Leo Triplet NGC3628 Dist:6.7Mpc de Vaucoulers 1975 NGC3623 NGC3627

3 Previous Studies Interaction of NGC 3627 and NGC 3628
Dynamical distortion Great Impact on gas content - infall Formation of the plume

4 10’ HI distribution map[1]

5 Dynamical model of the interaction by Rots, 1978
View from Earth View from North Interaction happened 0.8Gyr ago.

6 Questions Perturbation of gas  any impact on the stellar content (star formation)? Is NGC 3623 interacting with the other two?

7 Approach Stellar population synthesis: Mapping:
Age  the SRH of the galaxies Mapping: spatial distribution of age & SFH Looking for similar evolutionary history and Determining the relationship of the 3 galaxies

8 Observation More than 220 images of U, d-p bands:
>70 hours exposure.


10 PEGASE IMF: Salpeter 1955 SFR: Instantaneous Burst Model
N(M) ~ M < M < 120 Msun SFR: Instantaneous Burst Model Only relative age distribution is needed Initial Metallicity: 0.02, and Intrinsic Reddening by Inclination: NGC 3623: 71° NGC 3627: 60° NGC 3628: 89° Data from NED

11 Results: relative age distribution

12 Age Histograms



15 Conclusions NGC 3623 is the oldest among the 3 galaxies, but its weak age gradient might indicate recent star formation in its bulge.  This galaxy is not isolated. A potential bar is identified within the bulge of NGC 3623. NGC 3627 & 3628 exhibit strong evidence of synchronized evolution.  interaction may have triggered star formation in them both.

16 END!







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