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9/1 & 9/2 - 7th Grade Agenda Measuring Liquid Volume Lab

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Presentation on theme: "9/1 & 9/2 - 7th Grade Agenda Measuring Liquid Volume Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/1 & 9/2 - 7th Grade Agenda Measuring Liquid Volume Lab
Correct Science Notebook Video: Life in the Undergrowth Poster of Science Project due 9/8 & 9/9 (20 Points)

2 Science Notebook Cover Page Stamp Sheet Syllabus Table of Contents

3 Science Notebook 20% of you grade
Graded once a week (Thursday or Friday)

4 Science Notebook Rubric 5 Points
All the required contents are complete. Entries are well written in complete sentences. Table of Contents is mostly Complete.

5 Science Notebook Rubric 4 Points
At least 80% of the content is complete. Almost all of the entries are well written and in complete sentences. Table of Contents is nearly complete.

6 Science Notebook Rubric 3 Points
At least 60% of the content is complete. Most of the entries are well written and in complete sentences.

7 Science Notebook Rubric 2 or 1 Points
Less than 60% of the content is complete. Most of the entries are not well written or in complete sentences.

8 Science Notebook Rubric Late and Neatness
You will loose 1 or 2 points if the notebook is not finished on time. You will loose 1 or 2 points if the notebook is not neat. Science Notebook will make up about 20% of your grade.

9 Poster of Science Project
Due 9/8 & 9/9 20 Points Create a poster on any subject related science Need to be creative in order to get the full 20 Points The best posters will be hung on the wall in time for “back to school night”

10 Thinking like a Scientist
Scientists use skills such as obs_______, infe______, pred_______, clas______, and making models to learn more about the world and make scientific progress erving rring icting sifying

11 Observing Observing means using one or more of your sen_____ to gather information. ses

12 Quantitative observation deal with num____ or amounts.
bers Can you give me an example? 20% of the students passed the test.

13 Qualitative Observation deal with desc_______ that cannot be expressed in numbers
riptions Can you give me an example? The chimp appears sad.

14 Inferring When you exp_____ or interp____ the things you observe, you are inferring or making an inference lain ret

15 Predicting Predicting means making a fore____ of what will happen in the future based on past exp__________ or evi_______. cast erience dence

16 Classifying Classifying is the process of gro_____ together items that are alike in some way uping

17 Making models Making models involves creating repre_________ of complex objects or processes. sentations 17

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