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Title: Biology 4/10/07 Objectives: Class Topics

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Presentation on theme: "Title: Biology 4/10/07 Objectives: Class Topics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title: Biology 4/10/07 Objectives: Class Topics
5/13/2019 Title: Biology 4/10/07 Objectives: To review how proteins are formed and learn about the central dogma of biology. Class Topics Hand in W.S. How can a mutation in DNA affect an organism before the bell rings Review Chapter 10 Quiz 1 Review Regulating Gene Production Notes - Mutations Editing RNA Lab - Making Sense of Introns and Exons Prepare for Chapter 10 Test "I made it hard and difficult for kids because they don't get anything out of it if it's easy." Bob Knight Monday, May 13, :27 PM

2 Class Assignments Read 215-220 4/10/07
5/13/2019 Class Assignments What By When Read /10/07 W.S. How can a mutation in DNA… 4/10/07 Making sense of introns and exons 4/10/07 Chapter 10 Test 4/12/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 5/13/2019 Grade Sheet 2A – p. 157 (5 pts.)

4 From:
5/13/2019 From:

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5/13/2019 From:

6 Mutations Gene alterations Involve the inclusion of a wrong amino acid
5/13/2019 Mutations Gene alterations Involve the inclusion of a wrong amino acid Point mutation 1. Changing one nucleotide Sickle cell anemia Silent mutation (no change in amino acid) 2. Deletion Loss of a nucleotide or segment of DNA Frameshift mutation

7 From:
5/13/2019 Barbara McClintock Insertion A length of DNA is inserted into a gene Transposon “Jumping genes” – like cut and paste on computer Genes that can move from one location on a chromosome to another It can inactivate a gene or cause mutations Transposons are in all organisms Brings together different combinations of genes Evolutionarily important

8 Intron and Exon Lab Working in pairs
5/13/2019 Intron and Exon Lab Working in pairs The older of the pair will do all evens and the younger will do all odds. Hand in one sheet per group Hand in the polypeptide phrase when complete and lab sheet Return to your seat and prepare for exam next class period

9 Test Review RNA vs DNA Genetic code Types of RNA Transcription
5/13/2019 Test Review RNA vs DNA Genetic code Universal Codon Types of RNA mRNA nRNA tRNA rRNA Transcription Translation Gene Editing Introns Exons Gene expression lac operon Mutation Point frameshift

10 Chapter 11 Genetic Engineering
5/13/2019 Chapter 11 Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering Manipulating genes for practical purposes Recombinant DNA DNA from two or more organisms History First used in 1973 Common today Insulin, agriculture products?????

11 Steps in Genetic Engineering
5/13/2019 Steps in Genetic Engineering 1. Cutting DNA Use restriction enzymes to cut gene and vector Recognize specific sequences of DNA Vector is something to move gene into cell Usually virus, yeast, or plasmid (circular DNA in bacteria independent of main chromosome) Leaves ‘sticky’ ends

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