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Safety Stand Down Toolbox Talk – Guiding Principles

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1 Safety Stand Down Toolbox Talk – Guiding Principles

2 Safety Stand Down A meeting of frontline workers and senior executives

3 Safety Stand Down How many of you have seen the “Petroleum Industry Guiding Principles for Worker Safety”?

4 Safety Stand Down

5 Safety Stand Down And how many have actually read them?
Our company has posted these Guiding Principles in a prominent place for an important reason. We want you to know that we as a company accept and affirm our responsibility for the safety of everyone who is working for us. Our senior executives have also signed these Guiding Principles to show our commitment to these principles for your safety. By posting them, we want you all to know that we don’t take this commitment lightly.

6 Safety Stand Down How does this affect you?
First, you should know that the Guiding Principles emerged from the UPITFOS report of 1987 (UPITFOS = Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety). At that time, some major industry associations decided we needed an industry standard for workplace safety, so they developed these four Guiding Principles.

7 Safety Stand Down Principle #1: Responsibility
The #1 principle discusses who is responsible for worker safety, and this topic can be a little confusing these days. We work in a multi-employer worksite, so the worker next to you could be a company employee, a contractor, a subcontractor, a service company rep, or a supplier. No matter who you are, each of you is responsible for promoting safety at the worksite - but the buck doesn’t stop there! Since everyone ultimately takes direction from an operator, this principle stresses that operators are responsible for taking a leadership role in promoting the safety of ALL their workers.

8 Safety Stand Down Principle #2: Priority
The second guiding principle states that your safety is a top priority for us – regardless of your role or activity on our worksite.

9 Safety Stand Down Principle #3: Recognition
Third, the operating company has a responsibility to look at the safety record of anyone who is working for them. That means we look at, and recognize, safety performance and not just cost. Each company also needs to find an appropriate way to recognize safe workers.

10 Safety Stand Down Principle #4: Improvement
Fourth, we pledge to cooperate with other organizations and the entire industry to promote methods and practices that improve safety performance. A regular COR safety audit is a good example of one way we can do this.

11 Conclusion So, these four principles are the foundation of our company’s safety policy. We are proud to support this industry standard and to stand behind your safety on our worksite. That’s why we have signed and posted this important document.

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