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Design Gate 1 SAP Fiori for iOS Insert name of the project

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Presentation on theme: "Design Gate 1 SAP Fiori for iOS Insert name of the project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Gate 1 SAP Fiori for iOS Insert name of the project
Insert name(s) of the designer(s) Insert today’s date

2 APP SUMMARY ENTER a quick, one-line headline here This text section should provide an overview of the most important aspects of the app. Elements to touch upon include: the target user(s), details about the use case, where the app will be used (indoors, outdoors, etc.), which device(s) the app has been designed for, and the kinds of data or information the user will consume or act upon with the app (e.g., entering text, capturing images, scanning barcodes, listening to audio, etc.). In terms of format, the App Summary should be written in present tense (e.g., “The Project Assistant app provides team managers with at-a-glance notifications and relevant action items for on-the-go work situations.”). The summary does not need to be longer than one to two paragraphs. Be sure that it does, however, cover the tasks and individual screens content shown later in this document. Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / App Summary

3 Key screens – compact Screen 1 name Screen 2 Name Screen 3 Name
Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Key Screens

4 Key screens – Regular Screen 1 name
Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Key Screens

5 Information Architecture
Understanding Content sections and hierarchy TITLE CONTENT 1 CONTENT 2 CONTENT 3 Insert a diagram that illustrates the main sections of the app and the relationships between them. It should make clear whether the app’s navigation paradigm is flat, hierarchical, or a blend of the two. Each box should include a screen title and the main content sections found on the screen. These content sections should be high-level – for instance, “contacts” or “attachments.” TITLE CONTENT 1 CONTENT 2 CONTENT 3 TITLE CONTENT 1 CONTENT 2 CONTENT 3 TITLE CONTENT 1 CONTENT 2 CONTENT 3 TITLE CONTENT 1 CONTENT 2 CONTENT 3 Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Information Architecture

6 Golden Thread ENTER THE PERSONA’s Name, JOB TITLE This text should describe the ideal scenario where the app in question is solving the user’s daily challenges. The Golden Thread should touch upon some of the key goals, responsibilities, needs, and pain points the persona experiences during a typical day. It should be fairly detailed, but does not need to go into every single detail of the persona’s day – only the most important aspects. In terms of format, the Golden Thread should be written in present tense (e.g., “Sam sits down in the conference room and receives another message notification”). Each new subject can be discussed in a new paragraph to make it easy for the reader to follow the story, and key points can be highlighted in medium/bold text. Please note that the purpose of the Golden Thread is to highlight when and how the app helps to make the persona’s work life easier. It should be told as a narrative, and should not just resemble a list of app features. The narrative can start at the beginning of the persona’s day or just before the workday begins, and it can end at the end of the workday or when the persona goes to bed – whatever makes the most sense for the context of the project. Listing the times of events is optional. A new paragraph goes here, and it describes more key details of the persona’s ideal work day. Details that are relevant to the story would go here. More details would go here. Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Golden Thread

7 Golden Thread (example)
Michael, IT Project Manager Michael is an IT Project Manager currently managing two remote projects. During breakfast, he is notified of several issues that arose overnight and require his immediate attention. Later that day, Michael is sees an issue related to the task he had asked Thilo to update him on earlier. Thilo needs additional help from someone with specific experience to complete the task. Michael assigns one of the suggested members. One of Michael’s team members, Thilo, hasn't updated one of his tasks. The task is due by the end of the week and is in danger of delaying a work package. Michael requests an update from Thilo for more information, and subscribes to all updates on the Task. As the issue is time sensitive, Michael decided to reveal it on his timeline to keep track of it and ensure its solved in time. Michael realizes that one of the Work Packages is due soon and has a few Issues and decides to add Sean as a Delegate to the Work Package and get it back on track. Michael is preparing for an on-site meeting with his team members. Based on the status of tasks, issues and deadlines he creates a new Meeting with selected Agenda talking points and sends it to the team. At the end of the day, Michael knows that everything for this project is on track. He gives his manager a quick informal update on budget remaining and the teams current burndown. Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Golden Thread

8 Task Flows SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Task Flows

9 INSERT Name of Task #1 Insert a brief description explaining the task. (The flow needs to be end-to-end.) Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Task Flows

10 Example: Request Update
One of Michael’s team members, Thilo, hasn't updated one of his tasks. The task is due by the end of the week and is in danger of delaying a work package. Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Task Flows

11 INSERT Name of Task #1 Insert a brief description explaining the task. (The flow needs to be end-to-end.) Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Task Flows

12 INSERT Name of Task #1 Insert a brief description explaining the task. (The flow needs to be end-to-end.) Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Task Flows

13 Individual screens SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Individual Screens

14 Insert screen name If the screen is taller than the frame, include an image at full height. Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Individual Screens

15 Overview (Example) Insert name of the project / Insert name(s) of the designer(s) / Insert date SAP Design / D Gate 1 / Individual Screens

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