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2013 New School Application Process Informational Session

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1 2013 New School Application Process Informational Session
For Prospective New School Applicants

2 AGENDA 900 Grant Rm. 108A, 4:30-5:30 Session #1 Goals:
To provide relevant information to prospective new school applicants regarding the new school application process. To examine the similarities and differences between applying for, starting, and operating a district-run performance and charter schools. To discuss the work involved to develop a new school application by March 22nd. Process: Review Agenda & Introductions Summary Needs from the 2013 Call for New Quality Schools Review of 2012 New School Applicant Process (District-run & Charter) Accessing Information on the DPS Website (Call, Application Guides, Budget Templates, Workshop Agendas) Examining the similarities and differences between district-run performance schools and charter schools Discussion regarding the work involved to develop a new school application by March 22nd and Q&A with school leaders who have recently been approved to open new schools in DPS.

3 2012 New School Application Process
Letters of Intent Charter- (8) District-run Performance- (8) Applications Charter- (5) District-run Performance- (6) Approved Charter- (4) District run Performance- (4)

4 2013 Call for New Quality Schools – Summary of Needs
NNE SW NW SE 500 Student Elem. (E-5) in GVR at Dunkirk 200 Student Intensive Pathways High School location TBD Mid-sized Elem. at Conservatory Green Facility in N. Stapleton Student middle school location TBD Student middle school at Smiley* Future need ( ) for a 9-12 or 6-12 at Northfield Facility None currently identified None currently identified, district is evaluating capacity needs in the far-SE.

5 Tentative Schedule of Prospective New School Applicant Informational Sessions
Date & Time Topic Feb. 12th 4:30-5:30 900 Grant St. Rm. 108A SCHOOL TYPE: Examining the similarities and differences between district-run performance schools and charter schools NEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT & START UP: Analyzing the scope of the work involved with planning and opening a new school (both district-run and charter). Feb. 14th 4:00-5:00 COMMUNITY INPUT IN APPLICATION PROCESS: Ensuring that parents/guardians and community members are involved in the school development process. Aligning new school applications with regional needs identified in the Call for New Quality Schools. Connecting with families and community groups to gather letters of support and intent to enroll forms. Feb. 21st 4:00-4:45 900 Grant St. Rm. 703 PERFORMANCE SCHOOL OVERSIGHT: Performance-School Accountability Committees (SAC), Instructional Superintendents and DPS Organizational Structure 4:45-5:30 CHARTER SCHOOL OVERSIGHT: Charter- board recruitment and development, articles of incorporation, bylaws Feb. 28th CHARTER SCHOOL BUDGETS: Aligning mission, program type, educational plan, staffing to the school’s budget. Charter- Per Pupil Revenue (PPR), audit, board oversight, start up grants PERFORMANCE SCHOOL BUDGETS: Aligning mission, program type, educational plan, staffing to the school’s budget. School Based Budgeting (SBB), start-up funds Mar. 7th PERFORMANCE SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: Examine approaches to serving the school’s targeted student population in the following areas: English Language Learners, Special Education, Multicultural and culturally responsive educational program CHARTER SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Examine approaches to serving the school’s targeted student population in the following areas: English Language Learners, Special Education, Multicultural and culturally responsive educational program Mar. 14th SCHOOL PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK (SPF): Developing clear expectations and goals that align with the DPS SPF. Clearly Student Academic Performance Goals March 14th 4:45-5:30 INNOVATION STATUS & WAIVERS: Review district policies, DCTA collective bargaining agreements, and state statutes

6 Essential Items for New School Applicants http://osri. dpsk12
Call for New Quality Schools Application Guides (district-run performance & charter) Budget Templates (district-run performance & charter) Timeline of the New Schools Process Informational Sessions

7 School Types: Examining the similarities and differences between district-run performance schools and charter schools District-run School: A district-run school has DPS employees and the Principal is hired and evaluated by the district. A district-run school may seek flexibilities around their mission, curriculum, staffing terms, school calendar, school day and other fundamental aspects of their school design. Depending on the type of flexibilities that the school requires in order to operate its model, the school may choose to seek Innovation Status after its approval as a new school by the Board of Education. Charter School: A charter school is a public school with a governance structure that is independent of the district. Charter schools are incorporated as non-profit entities in the state of Colorado and are overseen by a governing board established directly by the school. Charter schools are publicly funded and are free and open to the public without discrimination or selective criteria. Charter schools have the same responsibility to serve all students and are held accountable through the same School Performance Framework employed throughout the district.

8 Am I ready for this? Discussion regarding the work involved to develop a new school application by March 22nd and Q&A with school leaders who have recently been approved to open new schools in DPS. Dan Lutz School Designer DCIS James Cryan School Director, Rocky Mt. Prep Katy Myers Principal, Denver Public Montessori Jr./Sr. High Letia Frandina Community Outreach Coordinator, Downtown Denver Expeditionary School

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