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Application instructions

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1 Application instructions
EuroCRM 2.0 Application instructions

2 Operating elements Main navigation screen
to change between program tabs inactive if data is being edited Jens Scharnow

3 Operating elements System menu available system functions
refers to the entire content Jens Scharnow

4 Operating elements Location / Breadcrumb
- shows steps performed to navigate to current location allows quick navigation back inactive if data is being edited Jens Scharnow

5 Operating elements List area (optional)
- access to saved data, depending on the situation (e.g. stored search parameters) Jens Scharnow

6 Operating elements Content area can contain several tabs
can contain buttons to perform various actions (e.g. adding a new element to a list) Jens Scharnow

7 Operating elements Quick aid
shows brief information with respect to the current view Jens Scharnow

8 Tables Header to change sort sequence by clicking into column header
for some columns a quick info is shown if the cursor is placed on the column header Jens Scharnow

9 Tables Table navigation
If the table content is too long to be shown on one page, you can navigate to the next page(s) using the arrow buttons Jens Scharnow

10 Input assistance Automatic completion of text entries Jens Scharnow

11 My CRM (Dashboard) - allows quick search for customers and contact persons any changes made to your data are submitted to you for information shows new system messages Jens Scharnow

12 Customers – Quick search
allows quick search for customers and contact persons filters by all customer fields (e.g. city) shows previous searches allows the user to extend the current search Jens Scharnow

13 Customers – Advanced search
allows to filter by individual customer fields search for assigned records (e.g. sales representative) Jens Scharnow

14 Customers – “Overview” tab
shows an overview of main customer data The editing mode can be started here (or in any other customer tab). Jens Scharnow

15 Customers – “Customer data” tab
to edit main information on a customer to assign sales representatives to assign editor groups Jens Scharnow

16 Customers – “Contact persons” tab
shows a list of all contact persons assigned to a customer (previously called “contacts”) - to edit a new contact person Jens Scharnow

17 Contact persons – Details
to edit master data of a contact person fields are used by Marketing Dep. for mailings address data can be transferred from customer entry Jens Scharnow

18 Customers – “Customer contacts” tab
shows an overview of all reported contacts with the customer contains customer reports, notes and entries from weekly report notes can be made Jens Scharnow

19 Customers – “Devices” tab
provides an overview of the automated systems and instruments which the customer is using - assigned devices are imported from the sales of equipment further devices can be added all reports about the devices can be viewed Jens Scharnow

20 Customers – “Products” tab
shows which EUROIMMUN products the customer has purchased - user-related saving of frequently performed search queries Jens Scharnow

21 Customers – “Customer data” tab
shows the prices charged to the customer for individual products Jens Scharnow

22 Customers – New report write new customer reports
reports are divided into several categories - alternatively, reports can be device-related It is possible to state persons to whom the report is then automatically forwarded by . Reports can be saved as drafts. Jens Scharnow

23 Report search allows the search for reports using various criteria
frequently used search parameters can be saved Jens Scharnow

24 Weekly reports provides an overview of the user‘s reports
incomplete reports can be edited Jens Scharnow

25 Edit weekly report individual weekly reports can be edited
If a new weekly report is created, all customer reports relating to this week are automatically included. customer reports which need to be written can be entered retrospectively If the customer no. is entered in the laboratory field, the system automatically suggests the corresponding customer name weekly reports can be saved as drafts Jens Scharnow

26 Product catalog list prices and product descriptions from the catalog can be viewed Jens Scharnow

27 Enhancements compared to CRM 1
customer-centered view quick search customer report categories device reports immediate forwarding of reports customer notes advanced entry of competitors customer prices weekly reports advanced submission of documents and data Jens Scharnow

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