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Presentation on theme: "Homecoming CONTENT QUESTIONS:"— Presentation transcript:

The first stanza isn’t an event – it describes something. What does it describe? The 2nd stanza does describe an event. When does it take place? How do you know this? Events are also described in the 3rd stanza, but at different times. How far apart are these times? What may have happened in the intervening years? The 4th stanza describes a thought. What object is used to illustrate that thought? What might this object symbolise?

2 Language: Find 2 examples of ‘idioms’ (commonly used expressions) and humour in the piece. What effect do they achieve? Find 1 quote for the speaker/poet, the mother and the daughter. How are they depicted (shown) and what is the effect of depicting them this way? Structure: What do you notice about Armitage’s use of rhyme/half-rhyme, rhythm and enjambment? What effect do these things have on the narrative (story) of the poem?

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