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Welcome! Identify each of the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Identify each of the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Identify each of the following.
Organism Population Community Abiotic Factor

2 World Biomes Its where you live!

3 Biosphere The Earth contains: A place that supports life Atmosphere
Surface Hydrosphere A place that supports life

4 Biomes The Biosphere is divided into regions called Biomes.
Occupied by communities or ecosystems of plants and animals that share adaptations which promote survival.

5 Biome Types Tundra Taiga Desert Grassland Temperate Forest
Tropical Rainforest Aquatic

6 Tundra Short growing season
Characterized by permafrost Short growing season During the summer, the thawing topsoil supports a grassland type community Adaptations (Animals: White fur)

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