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English Religious Education Maths Character Curriculum Daily Mile P.E

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1 English Religious Education Maths Character Curriculum Daily Mile P.E
This half term starts with a fiction unit based on the book ‘Paddington goes to Town’ by Michael Bond. In this unit, the children will learn about how to create speech, turning verbs into adjectives and develop their storyteller-writing. After that, we move onto a non-fiction book called ‘Rainforest Rough Guide’ by Paul Mason. The children will learn to read books that are structured in different ways and read for a range of purposes. They will also main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarise these. Religious Education RE is linked to Easter this half term. Easter Pause day will take place on 3rd April and the children will walk to St Andrew’s church. Maths This half term will start with the children learning about measuring length accurately using m, cm and mm. Then the children will be learning about fractions. The children will understand tenths, add and subtract fractions and begin to find fractions of numbers. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of Cleanliness, Fairness and Friendliness. The children will be learning about: The importance of keeping our teeth clean, Every story has two sides and What do our friends need from us? Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Year 3 – Spring Term 2 Topic: Rainforests Big Question: What would creatures crawling in the rainforest? Wow Start: ???? Fantastic finish: Rainforest Shoe boxes P.E The children will be focusing on the ‘creative cog’ in RealPE where they will develop skills that enable them to link movements together to fit a theme. The other hour of PE will focus on developing the children’s football skills as year 3 are lucky enough to have coaches from Oxshott Royals in to support their PE lessons. PE Days (for both Attenborough & Potter): Monday- Football (outside) Thursday – REAL PE Topic The children will be learning about rainforests this half term as it links to their work in English lessons. This unit focuses on rainforests. The children will start by learning about where in the world rainforests are located. They then learn about why specific forests are classed as rainforests and what plants and animals live there. STEM This half term the children will be learning about plants. This topic will focus on flowering plants. The children will learn the job of the different parts of the plant, the life cycle of the plant, the different parts of the flower and their job.

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